Family’s hope rises after fresh sighting of Daniel O’Keefe

Daniel O'Keeffe

The family are hoping a sighting of missing Daniel O’Keefe near Brisbane is the news they’ve been waiting for.
Source: Supplied

A DISTRAUGHT Geelong family has moved to Brisbane to step up the hunt for missing man Daniel O’Keefe who went missing six months ago.

His sister says she is confident he is alive after an apparent sighting near Brisbane.

Mr O’Keeffe, 24, disappeared from his parents’ Geelong home on July 15, 2011, leaving behind his wallet and depression medication.

There have been no confirmed sightings since and he has not accessed his bank accounts.

But a reported sighting in a town near Brisbane in late November has given his family fresh hope.

His sister Loren O’Keeffe last week quit her job and relocated to Brisbane. She was joined by their parents and his girlfriend yesterday.

“I’ve just been walking the streets of Brisbane and the outskirts of the city,” Ms O’Keeffe said today.

“I’ve printed off 1000 business cards and have been handing them out to people I feel might be able to help with my search.

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“I plan to stay here indefinitely until I can find him or at least do enough to feel as though I’ve done all I can.”

The man the family believe to be Daniel walked into a shop in a town on the fringes of Brisbane on November 30.

Ms O’Keeffe has viewed CCTV footage in the shop and combined with the description provided by the woman is confident the man is Daniel.

“There were things about his mannerisms and the way Dan is, that this woman was able to convey very clearly in her report,” Ms O’Keeffe said.

“I wouldn’t have flown up here if it was just a generic report. She gave specific details.”

Ms O’Keeffe said that before he went missing Daniel had mentioned that he wanted to move interstate.

“Queensland is a big state, it’s a beautiful state. There is reason to believe that this could be why he’s come up here.”

The family have set up a website and Facebook page and offered a $50,000 reward for information on his whereabouts.

Ms O’Keeffe said the family only found out about the sighting in recent weeks after the woman contacted them via the website.

“Queensland police have a missing persons unit, which Victoria lacks. For the first time in the six months we feel like we’ve got appropriate support.”

Police would not comment on the sighting.

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