Farmers lament muddied waters of Murray plan and lost livelihoods

Griffith farmer John Ward said about 10,000 hectares were 30 centimetres underwater but farmers were ”more worried about Tony Burke and the Murray Darling Basin plan” .

Mr Ward said he was looking at thousands of dollars of crop losses at his two farms – a 2000-hectare dry-area wheat and cattle property at Tabbita and a 250-hectare holding at Coleambally with prunes and grapes.

He said he had lost 20 tonnes of wheat stored under tarpaulins at Tabbita and about a third of his 40-hectare prune crop at Coleambally was ruined, although ”we did get most off the grapes off”.

Ardlethan farmer Helen Dalton, a fierce critic of the draft plan who was lobbying in Canberra last week, said Mr Burke was still buying water to increase flows into the Murray Darling, which was ”wasting taxpayers money because the environment does it for you”. Ms Dalton said 90 per cent of her 810-hectare property was underwater and rice and corn crops worth more than $300,000 may be ruined.

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