Feds May Confiscate Privately Held Gold and Silver Coins

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Kurt Nimmo
Prison Planet
August 30, 2011

Coin World reports that the feds are looking to seize liberty dollars from collectors and those using the coins instead of inflation-ridden Federal Reserve notes.

Feds May Confiscate Privately Held Gold and Silver Coins libdol2

Officials with the U.S. Attorney’s Office said on August 24 that the coins are contraband. The Secret Service, the federal agency responsible for confiscating counterfeit money, did not provide any definitive comments concerning under what circumstances Liberty Dollars would be seized, according to Paul Gikes of Coin World.

The coins are illegal even if they are not used for barter, the feds insist. Jill Rose, chief of the August 24 that the Liberty Dollar medallions are confiscable as contraband if they are being exhibited for educational purposes or held privately.

Rose was the lead prosecutor in the Bernard von NotHaus case. Von NotHaus is the creator of the Liberty Dollar. He was convicted by the feds in March on multiple charges involving the alternative currency that competes with fiat money distributed by the privately owned Federal Reserve. During the trial it was determined that Liberty Dollars are counterfeits, contraband and subject to seizure.

Von NotHaus was convicted by a jury after the feds successfully argued that Liberty coins are counterfeits because they include the words “Trust in God,” similar to the words “In God We Trust” on Federal Reserve coins. He faces up to 15 years in jail, a $250,000 fine, and may be forced to give $7 million worth of minted coins and precious metals – weighing 16,000 pounds. – to the government.

The prosecution and conviction of von NotHaus was politically motivated. He is the founder of NORFED, the National Organization for the Repeal of the Federal Reserve and the Internal Revenue Code.

Following the verdict against von NotHaus, the government characterized him as a domestic terrorist.

“Attempts to undermine the legitimate currency of this country are simply a unique form of domestic terrorism,” said U.S. Attorney Tompkins. “While these forms of anti-government activities do not involve violence, they are every bit as insidious and represent a clear and present danger to the economic stability of this country,” she added. “We are determined to meet these threats through infiltration, disruption, and dismantling of organizations which seek to challenge the legitimacy of our democratic form of government.” (Emphasis added.)

Feds May Confiscate Privately Held Gold and Silver Coins fbicap

The Liberty Dollar raid was indistinguishable from “similar raids conducted by Soviet and Chinese communist officials against private businesses operating in those countries,” writes Jacob Hornberger. “Unfortunately, in the post-9/11 world in which we now live, anything goes as far as federal power is concerned. The heavy-handed, perhaps even fraudulent, Soviet-style attack on NORFED is proof-positive of that.”

According to Rose and the government, the Liberty Dollar is “a pyramid scheme imbedded with fraud” that had nothing to do with barter or trade. “Barter is an equal and knowing exchange,” which the Liberty Dollar is not, Rose and the government claim.

Coin World had previously published comments from the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Charlotte stating that while mere possession of Liberty Dollar medallions was not a violation of federal statutes, actual use or intent to use them in the manner for which von NotHaus was convicted would be considered a violation.

Glen Kessler, assistant special agent in charge in North Carolina for the U.S. Secret Service, told Coin World that the Secret Service is “duty-bound to confiscate” Liberty Dollars.

George Ogilvie, the public affairs officer for the federal agency, told the publication the Secret Service had no comment on the matter.

It now appears the feds are moving to criminalize mere possession. Collectors are now at risk, especially if they oppose the Federal Reserve and are politically active.

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28 Responses to “Feds May Confiscate Privately Held Gold and Silver Coins”

  1. never saw that one coming…
    travel light…vow of poverty…I have nothing of value…
    (it’s easier to protect)

    Vic Reply:
    August 30th, 2011 at 7:19 am

    right it is all about a war for the minds.but can people see it and understand it?

    The more you give value to a physical thing, the more one exposes himself to corruption,treason, evil doings??? for if some know you are addicted to drugs, some will make sure you get your drugs no???? even have insurance companies back that system.whether legal or illigal. The same applies to money, gold silver and religions,politics?

    Look at how they have military orgs all around the planet? and the slaves serving that organisation??? for many are good people but they are under the impression they are serving there country? are they? then why has the dept grown to over 14 trillion? with a empire of more than 700 bases to feed at the cost of trillions. and not many can understand they are the fools of this serve the master game abusing the many?

    reconscoutsniper Reply:
    August 30th, 2011 at 8:15 am

    Kwai Chang

    It was done before.


    After they inflate gold prices, then they take your gold and money. TPTB leave you nothing. Keep your money out of any banks. Why?

    Heres why.


    The only things that change are the names, faces and places. Still the SOS.


    leskat Reply:
    August 30th, 2011 at 9:14 am

    reconscoutsniper; Out of all post , i find yours the most informative . Thank you

    reconscoutsniper Reply:
    August 30th, 2011 at 9:28 am



    Kwai Chang Reply:
    August 30th, 2011 at 9:39 am

    thanks for the sniper-props bar-none…
    (I love his info, too)

  2. The federal reserve notes are all counterfeit, Bernanke funny money….if you are a business man, don’t accept them….demand payment in gold or silver.

    You don’t have to accept money issued by the banksters.

    The Secret Service, has allowed Bernanke to flood the world with worthless counterfeit dollars.

    Vic Reply:
    August 30th, 2011 at 7:24 am

    the principal is a nice one but that is like believing in GOD and that god will save us all.
    the criminals alibaba and his 40 thousand theives will make sure you are not in business for long.Or you will be visited to pay the shylocks a big interrest for there protection?????

    There was a time when goodness could still stand up to these criminals, but seems that has changed and no one will save us but ourselves. And that means re inventing a world where corruption cannot servive in?

    Kwai Chang Reply:
    August 30th, 2011 at 9:40 am

    anything can be money…
    ask any drug dealer

  3. Can you see why this $$$$$ gold silver is all controlled by the globalists.

    Why would a person buy 1900 once gold when the stuff will take a drastic drop once the traps are well set up? like wallstreet scam back in the 1980′s , people invested in the markets and lost there money. only those insiders rich enough made money off the losses. the little investors were the big loosers. I respect Alex Jones when he says Gold needs to back up the paper dollar, but hey Hitler robbed the gold in the mouths of the dead in WW2 have people already forgotten that?

    Even if you had a ton of gold stacked in your home FEMA and the military guards will confiscate all you invested in, they will even kill you for it? orders of the masters.Take away your guns so they can rob you all of what gold,silver is out there.

    Maybe if GOD is true and real, it is his way of showing humans of this planet, that money,Gold and any precious metal is not the way to happiness???? and we are learning the lesson all together as we see the matrix of capitalism being destroyed? Maybe all this is meant to make us realise evil exists where money and value is given too???? who knows? but we are so addicted to this matrix where evil dominates , seems we cannot figure out how to free ourselves from this evil?

    Fotozine Reply:
    August 30th, 2011 at 8:21 am

    yes it’s way too high now and the price will crash but not before the big boys sell their stock. the little guy is gonna get creamed off yet again.

    Vic Reply:
    August 30th, 2011 at 9:31 am

    Is it an illusion to buy gold then? considering the thugish greedy mafia who wants it all and the little are no match to the big ones??? Like the thugs at school who tax the weeker ones and take whatever they like??? Until the many week unite and start surrounding the big thug and make his day????? Maybe then things will change.

    Isolate the thug and move. one by one, they are no match with the many who out number them.

  4. Rose was the lead prosecutor in the Bernard von NotHaus case. Von NotHaus is the creator of the Liberty Dollar. He was convicted by the feds in March on multiple charges involving the alternative currency that competes with fiat money distributed by the privately owned Federal Reserve. During the trial it was determined that Liberty Dollars are counterfeits, contraband and subject to seizure.

    Von NotHaus was convicted by a jury after the feds successfully argued that Liberty coins are counterfeits because they include the words “Trust in God,” similar to the words “In God We Trust” on Federal Reserve coins. He faces up to 15 years in jail, a $250,000 fine, and may be forced to give $7 million worth of minted coins and precious metals – weighing 16,000 pounds. – to the government.

    So, the FD RESV is the only acceptable “Private” creator of coins also it would seem perhaps these creators do not serve the same “god” in which they “trust” and then do they need for there are as many as man creates; basically what we have here is the control of the few over the many via a montary system and the de facto federal government using force via a corrupt court system in support of ONE PRIVATE CORPORATION OVER THE ESTABLISHMENT OF ANOTHER.
    fOR WHICH ONLY A CORPORATE SLAVE WOULD HAVE INTEREST; the fed and its hitmen have scored another robbery.
    OPT OUT; to not consent to the corporate slave remain true to your true idenity, a Sovereign on the land, true to the concept in agreement with the republic for which we stand – down with the FR and its hitmen corporate USA.

    Vic Reply:
    August 30th, 2011 at 9:33 am

    Did America not live this with the british Empire back , way back in history? before the Feds create the federal reserve in a criminal way?

  5. If they can take these non-nocuous coins, then there is nothing to stop them from taking other coins.

    Vic Reply:
    August 30th, 2011 at 9:34 am

    Soon a person stocking canned food will be a terrorist

  6. The noose is tightening. Scared and desparate, their fiat money ponzi scheme is toppling. They covet and intend on taking all your gold and silver. No doubt, the confiscation of the people’s guns will make this easier. I’m telling you people, if you are aware of the mass murders and widespread terror under the Bolshevik regime of the Soviet Union, then you better prepare yourself for it to happen here in the United States. These people are ruthless killers, who sit behind a cloak of secrecy. Their money is the influence that buys politicians, air time, education, and give power to the radical left and right. How is it such organizations are so well funded and contrary to the vast majority of Americans? Indeed, they hate gold and silver because it undermines their fiat currency. Controlling the world’s gold and silver and making it illegal for anyone to own will provide the final soution for credibility to the fractional reserve system. This is something they don’t have currently. However, a concensus is being formed where banning individual ownership of all gold and silver (worldwide) will make fiat currencies infallible. Without competition, the fractional reserve system will be preserved. Watch for this to start happening as the dollar crisis worsens.

    Vic Reply:
    August 30th, 2011 at 9:43 am

    and gold is heavy in weight and not practical to store away. So these criminals want computer money a mental money system so they can rule and abuse and control like crazy freeky people do. They want to chip every one they can and want to control. This is the NWO Bush war criminal father announced back in the 1990′s. Lies after lies after lies decades after decades.
    People and alergies ???They been spraying chem trails for the last 10 years at least. We should not be surprized why so many are getting sick. a slow kill to benifit Big Pharma.

    and we the good sheep are still waiting for GOD to put an end to these criminal minds in control right now??????? we better grow up for why would GOD help us when we cannot even stand up for our own goodness? well the creator might be much more intelligent than those still waiting to be saved? and what if GOD was waiting on us to change our ways of living giving up greed and selfishness? and open our hearts to PEACE in a more loving world? right now money is the base of evil. It should not be that way but evil is what it is.

  7. First, the Judge should be fired for abrogating his responsibilties to follow the constitution. Second, that idiotic jury who bought that judges BS should be send back to school to have thier brain washing deprogrammed.
    If our courts are so swayed by lawyers working for the FED then all is lost, and you had better prepare yourself for the worst.
    Juries have the right and the DUTY to not only judge the defendant guilty or not guilty, but the law by which the defendant was brought to court. Judges have gone so far to tell juries that they judge only the merits of the case and instructs them what they can and cannot do. This is pure Bull Shit and they know it. The judges only duty is to make sure the case is propery conducted. It is the jury who judges the merits of the case and makes decisions as to guilt or innocence.
    Jury instructions try and weed out misunderstandings, but when juries are made up of human beings who at the very least are capricious in nature. No amount of instructions will make them do other than their enculturation, and propensities and beliefs toward what they believe is wright and or wrong would have them do. Add to that having to make a decision on the laws applicability to the case, and any jury could be all over the map. It’s am imperfect system, but it is all we have, in that we must trust our fellow humans ability to ferret out the truth by intuition. Most cases present so much information that most juries cannot assimilate all that and come up with a cogent assesment of the circumstances. In the end most go with their gut, and all the laws governing Jury instructions know this and try none the less to make it clear about their responsibilities including the judges who think jurrors are morons who must be instructed like school children.
    There is a small booklet called “Citizens Rule Book” that covers the Bill of Rights and is the “Jury Handbook”. The Minneapolis Star and Tribune in a news paper aritcle appearing in its November 30 1984 edition, entitled: “What judges don’t tell the juries” stated:
    “At the time of the adoption fo the Constitution, the jury’s role as defense against political oppression was unquestioned in American Jurisprudence. This nation survived until the 1850′s when prosecutions under the Fugitive Slave Act were largely unseccesful because juries refused to convict.”
    “Then judges began to erode the institution of free juries leading to the absurd compromise that is the current state of the law. While our courts uniformly state juries have the power to return a verdict of not guilty whatever the facts, they routinely tell the jurors the opposite.”
    “Further, the courts will not allow the defendants or their counsel to inform the jorors of their true power. A lawyer who made…. Hamilton’s argument would face professional discipline and charges of contempt of court.”
    “By what logic should juries have the power to aquit a defendant but no right to know about that power? The court decisoins that have suppresed the notion of jury nullification cannot resolve this paradox.”
    “More than logic has suffered. As originally convieved, juries were to be a kind of safety valve, a way to soften the bureaucratic rigidity of the judicial system by introducing the common sense of the community. If they are to function effectively as the conscience of the cummunity, jorors must be told that they have the power and the right to say no to a prosecution in order to achieve a greater good. To cut jorors off from this information is to undermine one of our most important institutions.”
    “Perhaps the community should educate itself. Then citizens called for jury duty could teach the judges a needed lesson in civics.”

  8. No one can seize your Bitcoins 😉

    George_Costanza Reply:
    August 30th, 2011 at 8:54 am

    Do ‘bitcoins’ exist without electricity?

  9. Not gold, GOD, not gold TRUSTWORTHY ALLIES, not gold, FOOD, not gold, FUEL, not gold, CLOTHING, not gold, AMMO, not gold, EQUIPMENT, AND TOOLS, not GOLD a PLAN!

  10. Who don’t know this, they’ve did it before ! Read history. Our government is determined to slave us onto a digital card, and there will be no wealth without their explicit permission !!!

  11. Hey, this means they just doubled in value!

  12. He faces up to 15 years in jail, a $250,000 fine, and may be forced to give $7 million worth of minted coins and precious metals – weighing 16,000 pounds. – to the government.

    Good thing they didn’t find any raw milk in the fridge or he’d be in real trouble.

  13. Its not currency right? It has no numismatic value correct? Then its obvious why SS is not commenting. It’s not US currency. If it’s not US currency(we all know it never was, but just follow me here), then it can be melted down.

    If you learn how to melt these coins, then you are just fine since its not illegal to do so. However I would look for a rule or law or “memo” to say that its illegal to melt these coins for their true silver content.

    If you have 5000 of these coins, and they do not tell you its illegal to melt (either through new rules, or anything else relating to the case that I don’t know about about), then put your face on each coin, (talk to your Bullion people for more details), call yourself APOPHIS, Pharaoh of Egypt of and enjoy your freedom!

  14. Well its fucking on if they try to do that. This will be the straw that breaks the camels back when everyone starts revolting.

  15. Money only has value if you spend it.

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