Hunt for violent sex attacker in Melbourne

A white gold pendant may be the key to solving the violent sexual assault of a woman in southeast Melbourne.

The woman had been confronted around 8.30pm (AEDT) on Friday, February 24 as she walked down a street in Keysborough.

Police say she was dragged into the bushes of a nearby park reserve by a stranger who then punched her in the face before throwing her to the ground and committing a serious sexual assault.

During the attack, the man is believed to have also ripped a necklace with a white gold pendant from her neck.

The missing pendant is in the shape of a teardrop with a solitaire diamond surrounded by a cluster of nearly two dozen smaller diamonds.

Investigators are hoping someone has seen the missing necklace, which could help lead police to the woman’s attacker.

The man is described as being Asian in appearance, in his 30s, clean shaven with a medium build and 160cm tall.

He was last seen wearing shorts with white runners, a grey singlet and had something around his head, similar to a head band.

An image of what the man may look like has been released.

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