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 This is a great photo. They are really great.

40,000 people are now in front of the residence of the prime-minister in Japan. Protests are mainly focused on the government’s plans for military reforms, which would turn Japan back to fascism, back to being  a war mongering country. War should be against those in the palaces, they say. This signals a shift in the security policy, since it’s based on an interpretation of the constitution by the government as the cabinet alone having the right to adopt any change in the security policy. See more here, in Japanese.  People also protest against nukes, and those capitalists’ exploitation of workers, “who are forced to overwork until they commit suicide”. 

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pic via @UnderBT

 Japan PM’s been to dinner with the leader of Buthan. 
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pic via @ARAchon222 全部特亜だろ? RT @harada_hirofumi #集団的自衛権反対 #首相官邸前 


Tokyo, against fascism:  It’s 10 pm in Tokyo and more and more people are gathering at the prime-minister’s residence mainly to demand that he does not break turn Japan into a country that wages war. People are calling on him to stop it and use the f word too; they are angry. pic   via  TOKYO DEMOCRACY CREW who also says: “People are not not paralyzed.”

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“No nazis” pic via OriharaナNana @ ORIHARA7NA Riotgirl #AntiFasizm #againstfacsism

Tokyo, against fascism; local time 20:08 “People are everywhere, they are the voices opposition to constitutional interpretation! Hear the voices of the people!”; they demand changes to the constitution. via   

“Nazi bastards in the trash”, pic via  

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pic via @Poko_IDOHORININ #首相官邸前 #集団的自衛権反対

This protest is organised, they say, as collective self-defence against the ruling power, against the unlawful enterprise, high tuition fees; they demand the repayment of scholarship; and they also speak up against those who are forcing workers “to overwork until they commit suicide”. One of the speakers at this protest is Kira Yoshiko from the Communist Party. 

pic via @Uchunohate 


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pic via 内田聖子 ‏@uchidashoko そうだそうだ! RT @NONUKES_MH: #集団的自衛権反対 首相官邸前抗議 RT @hattorin8: これだけの人が怒ってるんだよ。安倍やめろ

pic via No  nukes More hearts :  message addressed to Japan Prime Minsister: “You want war, but not war among those who filled the palace before.”

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No words needed: pic via Greenpeace Japan

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 – Kira Yoshiko, “It’s a coup when young people are forced to poverty”, such could be interpreted an amendment to the constitution. 

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