‘Iran rational against West madness’

The US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner says tensions with Iran and high oil prices are among the biggest threats to the American economy.

Iran has also stopped selling oil to major Greek companies, citing Greece’s failure to pay for the precious commodity. Experts say Western sanctions on Iranian banks have caused Athens to skip payment on Tehran’s oil shipment.

Greece already faces huge economic troubles, including a major debt crisis, which can threaten the EU’s rebound from its financial problems.

Press TV has conducted an interview with Rodney Shakespeare, professor of binary economics, to further discuss the issue. The following is a transcription of the interview.

Press TV: Countries like Greece are going through massive debt crisis of their own. Can they even afford to take actions such as non-payment which will result in higher oil prices?

Shakespeare: The West, which is full of bullies like the USA, UK and Israel, and its accolades like Greece, never expects anybody to stand up to them.

And when somebody does stand up, they cry foul. If somebody is not doing something, the West shouts that they are. If somebody is peaceful, the West cries out that they must be warmongers.

Iran is stopping oil to six countries which are trying to strangle Iran. Now in the case of Greece, the seventh country, Iran is behaving rationally to a situation which is being created by corrupt Western practices particularly the deceits of an American bank, Goldman Sachs, just over ten years ago. So, the West’s chickens aren’t coming home to roost.

Press TV: Professor, Tehran has taken this decision in response basically to Western sanctions imposed on its oil industry when the US itself admits that oil prices are surging because of its own polices with regards to Iran. Why then does it continue to pursue these policies especially since it’s straggling the average consumer and not these governments?

Shakespeare: Ah! Because, you see, the West – to repeat what I said – never expects anybody to stand up to them. It bullies and just does not understand when somebody reacts in an entirely rational way.

The Western psychology is that if they hit you, you must say ‘thank you very much’ and lie down. They just do not understand when they do something like trying to strangle Iran, and Iran is a straightforward person which reacts to anybody wanting to strangle it. The West’s psychology just cannot comprehend the situation.

Press TV: But now that Iran is standing up to these Western bullies, as you put it, what action do you see them taking now?

Shakespeare: Their psychology is fixed and therefore they’re going to continue in the course they have set. The result of that is that they will make their own financial situation worse and they will increase the chances of war.

The world now has to decide whether they go along with Western practices, which are disastrous economically and financially, and which are leading us to war, or whether they rally around against a corrupt Western system which is dominated by Zionism which wants war particularly in the Middle East. The world must decide on which side they stand.


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