Iran war sets fire to Mideast: UK MP

Ming Campbell made the remark after William Hague said on Friday that “all options remain on the table” against Iran.

Hague said that “the Middle East could be the battle ground for a new cold war if Iran succeeds in acquiring nuclear weapons”.

Nuclear-armed Britain and its allies accuse the Islamic Republic of Iran of seeking to acquire a military nuclear capability, while Iran as a member to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and a signatory to nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) insists that its nuclear technology has a civilian nature.

Some 22 British lawmakers put their weight behind the new sabre-rattling against Iran by tabling a motion at the parliament in supporting the coalition government’s stance that “all options remain on the table” against Iran.

The motion, entitled ‘Iran policy’, is supported by at least 22 members of parliament (MPs) and will be discussed later on Monday in the House of Commons, where there is also a strong opposition to war.

This comes as Conservative MP John Baron, who resigned as a Tory health spokesman over the Iraq war, has tabled another motion calling on the government to rule out military action against Iran.

He has warned that the use of force against Iran by Israel or anyone else would be “wholly counter-productive and would serve only to encourage any development of nuclear weapons.”

The issue of Iran has the potential to split the coalition government and the Liberal Democrats, the junior party to the coalition. The Lib Dem manifesto explicitly ruled out the use of force against Iran.

But, Nick Clegg, the deputy prime minister and head of Lib Dems party has since remarked that “you don’t in a situation like this take any options off the table”. Unlike Clegg, most Lib Dems are explicitly opposed to military action by Britain or Israeli regime.

For instance, the recently-knighted backbencher Bob Russell has said “We should condemn, now rather than after the event should it happen, any moves by Israel (with or without the backing and involvement of the United States) of a pre-emptive strike against Iran. The consequences to world peace, not just in the Middle East, are immense”.


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