Israel arrests two Palestinian sisters Yasmina & Zeina Al-Tamimi on returning from the Ukraine

[ 12/06/2012 – 05:01 PM ]

AL-KHALIL, (PIC)– Israeli occupation forces (IOF) arrested two Palestinian students on their return from the Ukraine where they studied medicine, their father said.

Najib Al-Tamimi, the father, told Quds Press on Tuesday that his daughters Yasmina, 22, and Zeina, 23, had completed their studies in medicine in the Ukraine and were on their way back home in Al-Khalil in the West Bank via Karame crossing on the Jordan River.

He said that IOF soldiers manning the crossing detained his two daughters with no reasons given.

Tamimi expressed surprise at the arrest of his daughters, saying that they spent several years in the Ukraine and were only busy with their studies for the past six years.

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