Israel Provoked Missile Barrage to Test Iran War Defenses

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Richard Silverstein
Friday, March 30, 2012

Gareth Porter does some excellent reporting during his current trip to Israel, where he’s meeting Israeli military and intelligence figures concerning a possible Israeli attack on Iran.  He focuses on the lack of Israeli psychological preparation or awareness of the danger they face from an Iranian counter-strike after Israel’s pre-emptive attack.

Neve Gordon reported in Al Jazeera English that Israel assassinated the leader of the Gaza PRC a few weeks ago in order to deliberately provoke a Gaza missile barrage.  Bibi wanted to test the Iron Dome missile system in the expectation that its success would further reassure Israelis and his doubting cabinet members, who must vote to approve war, that Israel will remain protected from rockets in the event Iran is attacked.  I have a Truthout story being publishing tomorrow that will cover more of this ground.

Israel Provoked Missile Barrage to Test Iran War Defenses arrow 3Arrow 3 Missile (IDF)

Porter notes that Iron Dome will not protect Israel from Iranian missiles.  The Arrow system is designed to shoot down the medium and long-range projectiles that Iran would launch.  An Israeli missile expert notes that in testing, the Arrow has achieved an 80% success rate (the rate would be lower in battlefield conditions).  Iran has around 450 missiles capable of hitting Israel.  That means that over 100 missiles would get through Israel’s protective shield.  Even if we factor that some of the 450 might be destroyed before launching by Israeli aircraft and that some of the missiles will land harmlessly and miss their target, that still leaves a very significant number that will get through.  These are not Qassams we’re talking about.  These are missiles packed with lethal warheads that will kill many and cause huge amounts of damage.

The missile expert, Uzi Rubin, says that Iran has improved its accuracy to within “meters” of the target.  That means virtually all of Israel’s major infrastructure including power generation, air and seaports, political command and control facilities (the Knesset), and military bases (and the Kirya) would be hit.  Add to this, the fact that Hamas and Hezbollah rockets would likely be falling as well.  Even with the success of Iron Dome, a significant number of these rockets would get through, adding even more damage.  Rubin tellingly says:

”I’m asking my military friends how they feel about waging war without electricity.”

I’m wagering that the Iranian response would give Israelis the shock of a lifetime, putting it mildly.  Thousands will die, and as Meir Dagan said, Israel will not be the same country physically or psychologically afterward.  Nor has Israel ever had to fight a war under such circumstances.  It has never really had an adversary (save in 1948 and possibly 1973) who could put up a real fight and even take the fight to Israel itself.

On a related note, the Israeli right-wing media is full of stories complaining about Mark Perry’s terrific Foreign Policy expose of Israel’s shady dealings in Azerbaijan, which have likely led to an agreement to use its airspace and airfield as part of the plan to attack Iran.  These media outlets seem to be in high dudgeon (Dan Margalit in Yisrael HaYom says the Americans are “shooting at Israel”) that the Obama administration is using Mark and others to relay its extreme discomfort and displeasure with Israel’s machination both in Azerbaijan and relating to a strike on Iran itself.  The Jerusalem Post headline reads:

U.S. Leaks on Iran Meant to Prevent Israeli Strike

The columnist kvetches about Perry’s report:

There was something off-putting about the whole tone of the piece, as if the bad guy in this story were not Iran, for trying to acquire nuclear weapons, but Israel…

These…stories are…fed by sources intent on sending a clear message: Do not attack.

Gee, whadaya know?  The U.S. has the chutzpah to worry about Israel throwing a lit match onto the tinderbox that is the current Middle East, and there’s something “off-putting” about that.  As if our job and the job of the rest of the world is simply to understand Israel’s motives and interests and then get out of the way.

I find it humorous that Israel’s prime minister and defense minister are entitled to leak like a sieve to Israeli and world media about their war plans and yet the U.S., chas v’chalilah, has a hidden agenda when it does the same.  No one, after all is allowed to have hidden agendas except Israeli prime ministers intent on attacking their neighbors.


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16 Responses to “Israel Provoked Missile Barrage to Test Iran War Defenses”

  1. Yeah, as I said, attacking Iran would be a serious mistake; it’s not the old days anymore, so it’s no need to find out either !

    trouble8696 Reply:
    March 30th, 2012 at 8:26 am

    Yeah @ jeffydriver …It sure will be a serious mistake…Imagine …Using Arrow 3 which costs Approx…4 million $$$ a piece to shoot down 11 $ dollar .. Qassams Katyusha rocket…lol…All Paid by US tax payers…About Azerbaijan granting Israel access to Air bases near IRAN…Its a Planted story by Israeli’s…Azerbaijan on Thursday dismissed a report in a U.S. magazine that claimed Baku will grant Israel access to air bases on the border it shares with Iran in the event of an attack on Iran… The officials have stated on numerous occasions and Baku reiterate that there will be no actions against Iran… from the territory of Azerbaijan…But we have to be careful …The Wild Card…ISRAEL is desperate for a WAR…even if it turns into a WW3…2012 onwards, the world is on the brink of Third World War… All sane and peace loving people would pray and strive that it is averted. For the horoscope of the times point towards a global catastrophe in the making… The guns of August 1914 … 1st World War paled in front of the Panzer Blitzkrieg of September 1939 Second World War. The Third World War during Cold War was averted between NATO and Warsaw Pact Forces… If war breaks out in 2012 onwards, Nukes shall speak and tragically billions may DIE … If there is war, it will most likely spread to be global plus nuclear, and without method in the madness… This apocalyptic scenario may yet come to pass, unless it is stopped in its tracks…

  2. The USA Israel will find a distraction and excuse to overlook Iran and attack another country instead. Lets guess when they start there next war, it will be against another country that has no modern defenses and can be slaughtered like helpless children. Slaughtering helpless children, thats much more fitting for an American soldier than going to war with an equal enemy.

    When was the last time America won a war? Afghanistan..oh no it wasn’t…Iraq….oh no they acheiving nothing there…Sudan..Oh no those Yankee helicopters are no match for stone throwing illiterate African kids…Vietnam…ha ha ha…Please remind me of the last time America won a war without European armies holding her hand?

    Chantel Reply:
    March 30th, 2012 at 6:46 am

    …The American Revolution…

    Chantel Reply:
    March 30th, 2012 at 6:48 am

    …aaaannd the Mexican war. 🙂

    ALEA Reply:
    March 30th, 2012 at 7:32 am

    France to the American Revolution …don’t you know anything.

    Mexican war, I will check. Perhaps you are right, but there was probably a distraction somewhere (like a real war) otherwise why the Mexicans couldn’t thrash you? Everyone else can.

    ALEA Reply:
    March 30th, 2012 at 7:37 am

    On the Mexican war,”The desertion rate was a major problem for the Mexican army, depleting forces on the eve of battle. Most of the soldiers were peasants who had a loyalty to their village and family, but not to the generals who conscripted them. Often hungry and ill, never well paid, under-equipped and only partially trained, the soldiers were held in contempt by their officers and had little reason to fight the Americans. Looking for their opportunity, many slipped away from camp to find their way back to their home village”.

    Yes that sound like the type of enemy America could beat, I admit that.

    ALEA Reply:
    March 30th, 2012 at 7:39 am


  3. The rules now are not to win but to sustain a war. If you don’t understand that then research it.
    Slavery threw debt, you own it you pay for it. You help free it and the debt is forever.

    Alea AJ boards are not anti-relegion your freedom to type almost what u want, but do some reading and understand why things are done the way they are like banks that fund both rival enemies. “Debt” it is what it is. To get debt you make the muslim and christian fight, or the paki and the indian fight. Bottom line is get them paying the bank.

    ALEA Reply:
    March 30th, 2012 at 7:43 am

    When you say “do some research”, you refer to tuning into Alex Jones and repeating what he tells you. You could not research your way out of a paper bag.

    Wow Alex Jones said in history there have been some bad guys and it’s true, therefore all his theories must be good.

    Its gonna be so easy to carve up America and start again. You guys are totally lost.

  4. Wouldn’t attacking Iran be bad for our economy???

    Chantel Reply:
    March 30th, 2012 at 6:51 am

    Plus, are our troops merely throw-away rag dolls??? I mean, don’t start a war if you don’t absolutely have to.

    rxantos Reply:
    March 30th, 2012 at 8:52 am

    Are you assuming that the ones in power care about the troops? The only one that have shown any empathy is Ron Paul. And, unfortunately, he is not in power, yet.

  5. Wars are expensive, and truly sinful. If you blew either country away, you’d still be in further debt then when it was in existence. That’s not an assumption, that’s a fact ! The booty verses the recovery is in no comparison, but the media idiots will try to explain it differently with their planned propaganda; but the facts will point out, the costs will be in the RED for 5 decades or more !

  6. As long as Israel exist, there will be no Peace in the World

  7. If Israel wants war with Iran so badly then sobeit.. However is it any of our business? If God is truly on the side of the dark eyed ashkenazic spawn of Satan (the imposters Jesus spoke of or ‘Ye brood of vipers’) who populated Israel then he will protect them eh?

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