Jon Rappoport: We’re A Nation of Pharmaceutical Druggies

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July 10, 2012

Mike Adams talks with Jon Rappoport about a variety of important issues, including the brazen criminality of Big Pharma.

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4 Responses to “Jon Rappoport: We’re A Nation of Pharmaceutical Druggies”

  1. No comment, the title says it all.

  2. Mike and John you guys are awesome that was some great journalism I can tell you this my son had some medical problems at a young age and he had the mump shot and when he went into the hospital they could not detect anything in his blood that would show he had a mumps vaccine my wife and myself thought this was very strange so we had them do another test to see if he had the protection and again nothing showed up so Mike and john you are correct this is a big scam when I told my wife yesterday about the shots she was amazed . I agree the shots are a big FLIPPEN SCAM.

  3. Maybe this entire world will wake up and realize that Jesus Christ is supposed to be our pharmaceuticals, not the sorcery of man.

    It sure is ironic just how sorcery has become so widely accepted when it was not too long ago that mankind was burning people at the stake for creating such magic potions. Go figure!

    Like my brother Emmanuel the Christ Jesus sates, “Man is so easily deceived.”


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