Katy Perry Launches Man Hating Marine Recruitment Video

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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

My boyfriend cheated on me, so I’ll join military to kill some innocent people, ah… Love…

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14 Responses to “Katy Perry Launches Man Hating Marine Recruitment Video”

  1. DON’T do Obomba’s dirty work!

    Baby, he ain’t worth it. And the cheat bf isn’t either. Stand on your own two feet or die tryin I say!

  2. i hope your all spiritually ready for 2013 when the freedom tower is finished and the Maitreya (Rai Patel) comes out to lead the world Globally,banks revamped, micochipped, downward spiral , lack of the food of God

    maxxxem Reply:
    March 28th, 2012 at 6:05 am

    mystery Babylon ,

  3. Hey Alex! I think your Nightly Info News INTRO is over the top…lmao

  4. Janet was a man

    exexpat11 Reply:
    March 28th, 2012 at 7:32 am

    Reno or Napa-pedophile?

  5. Makes me want to join the Marines and dance and shout and hold each other while getting wet. Is that what the core is all about you dirty little dic dippers.

    WTF that is’t a way to show respect for troops and vets?
    The video to me says escape your daily life and jion the core, totally 100% recruitment video.
    Learn to kill because your bf cheated not because your country or someone elses need defending.

  6. Yeah…how dare that bitch have a twenty bedroom house in LA!!!

    Only truth tellers and self-promoted societal icons like Alex are allowed to have such Jew sponsored luxuries.

    Did you catch today’s pitiful sales pitch and nutrition dissertation, while simultaneously claiming it is not a sales pitch, for Tangy Tangerine and Pollen Burst products?

    Truly a disgusting segment…just as insulting to the truth of our reality as the Katy Perry video.

    You know 911 was an inside job???…just proving how necessary and how much you need Tangy Tangerine…before the next false flag depletes your of nutrients and leaves you forty pounds overweight.

    Did you know about Agenda 21???…just 2 teaspoons a day of pollen burst is all you need to secure you freedom.

    Did you hear about that black kid getting shot???…had he bought our products, which we are not really trying to sell you, but trying to actually save the world, he would have been made bulletproof and would be alive today.

    Hyper-inflated health and weight-loss hard sale claims tied into conspiracy genre topics interweaved with false-humility attempting to convince you that you are not being pelted with the hard sell psy-op tactics to make a buck.

    Transparent and impotent to the truly awake.

    There is nothing wrong with supplement or selling them.
    But stop insulting me with the humanitarian veneer with the pseudo-denials that you really are not trying to sell a product for a profit.

  7. that started out as just funny, but damn that last half explains alot.

    the sage Reply:
    March 28th, 2012 at 7:52 am

    …yes, but the complete picture cannot be known to you without sufficient vitamin B6.
    …overcome your mental haze and cerebral deficiencies with some pollen burst.
    …manna from heaven and the gods it is.
    …buy, buy, buy…while I don’t sell, sell, sell…

  8. WHO CARES! she is an ineffectual pop star. Take here for what she is worth, a dumb bimbo with a great body and a fantastic rack… stare at her tits and nod your head and smile when she talks.. she means nothing

    the sage Reply:
    March 28th, 2012 at 7:50 am

    …yes, but you would you be willing to depart with some of your soon-to-be hyperinflated and worthless Federal Reserve Notes and buy some tangy tangerine?

    …for that is the real philosophical question to be answered to safeguard your future and that of the free first-world.

  9. I was in the Marines. I was in some actual combat. Not sure I would want this female having my back. Really don’t understand why females would want to combat men. They would lose 95% of the time. The female doesn’t have the physical strength that most males have. This is nature,,, men had nothing to do with it and it cannot be overcome by propaganda.

    As a marine I find the video disgusting. As a man I find sad that these females hate their species this much. They are already killing their defenseless preborns, now it appears they just want to kill everything.

    It amazes me the depths our disgusting society has traveled. I imagine it will only get worse. It always does…

  10. Alex forgot to mention The Hunger Games. If you want the other side of the story…

    Ever notice some of the main players in the creation of a Police State now are women and are much more draconian and murderous than their male counterparts. Immune from criticism due to their matronly role.

    Pick up a Comic (now compiled in giant telephone book Volumes – start with Church and State) called Cerebus by Dave Sim.

    Dave Sim is a self described misogynist and men’s rights advocate in Canada that has created a religion that only he follows.

    He has faced Freedom of Speech issues in Canada for his thoughts and what he has written. Women either hate him or really hate him for his views.

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