Legislators attempt to force fluoridation on New Jersey


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(NaturalNews) New Jersey is one of the few U.S. states where the vast majority of its residents are not forcefully medicated with fluoride chemicals via their water supplies. Only about 20 percent of New Jersey residents, in fact, are exposed to fluoride in water, which makes it the fourth least fluoridated state in the country. But state legislators in the Garden State are currently trying to change this by passing legislation that would mandate all public water supplies in the state to fluoridate their water.

Sponsored by Democratic State Senators Joseph F. Vitale (http://www.njleg.state.nj.us/members/BIO.asp?Leg=175) and Loretta Weinberg (http://www.njleg.state.nj.us/members/BIO.asp?Leg=260), NJ Senate Bill S-959, the New Jersey Public Water Supply Fluoridation Act, and its identical companion legislation, Assembly Bill 1811, would require “the fluoridation of all public community water systems in New Jersey.”

According to the Fluoride Action Network (FAN), a health freedom advocacy group, the New Jersey legislature has been working towards enacting these new fluoridation laws without telling the public or seeking appropriate public input. And outcry from those who oppose the legislation — the NJ League of Municipalities, the NJ Sierra Club, the NJ Business and Industry Association, the citizens’ group No Fluoride New Jersey, and even a number of local water companies and utilities across the state have all objected — appears to be going unheard.

“Since fluoride’s benefits are topical, it makes no sense to swallow fluoride and makes even less sense to put fluoride into drinking water when fluoridated toothpaste is available to everyone,” said Paul Connett, PhD, executive director of FAN and co-author of the book The Case Against Fluoride. “Not only does this unfunded mandate completely strip away all local control of fluoridation, but requires local taxpayers to fund the estimated $5 billion start-up costs and the annual $1 billion cost to maintain the practice.”

Besides failing to make an appropriate public announcement about the bills, legislators are also withholding the fact that the toxic fluoride chemicals being proposed for water supplies is not natural, and is actually a waste byproduct of the phosphate fertilizer and aluminum production industries. As a result, those who drink it are exposed not only to fluoride’s toxic effects, which include brain, thyroid, and other organ damage, but they are also exposed to arsenic, lead, radionuclides, and various other toxic chemicals that typically contaminate it.

More than 25 published papers have shown that fluoride chemicals reduce IQ levels in children, and many people across the U.S. today have dental fluorosis, a condition where teeth become mottled and brittle, as a result of overexposure to fluoride. It is also a drug that has never been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which means its deliberate addition to public water is an illegal form of practicing medicine without a license or proper prescription.

There is also no way to properly dose consumption of fluoride when added to water, as individuals of all ages and sizes consume varying amounts of the toxic chemical. This means that individuals with compromised immune system or health problems, as well as babies, are at an extreme risk of fluoride poisoning just from routine exposure to fluoridated water in their everyday lives.

To contact the authors of these bills and express opposition, visit:

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Legislators attempt to force fluoridation on New Jersey

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