Long House by Hopkins Architects is both Modern and Medieval

© Hopkins Architects

On a grand scale, Michael and Patty Hopkins designed the Velodrome for the Olympics that Bonnie thought deserved a gold medal. But they also do more modest projects, like this lovely house for Living Architecture, “a new social enterprise set up to revolutionise both architecture and UK holiday rentals.” They hire the best architects:

We see ourselves first and foremost as an educational body, dedicated to enhancing the appreciation of architecture. But we also hope that you will have an exceptional holiday with us. We are making available a standard of house unusual for the UK rental market (where the ancient cottage has until now been the norm), with the best of contemporary materials and technologies. Our houses are all in fascinating locations and have been meticulously designed for comfort and aesthetic delight.

© Hopkins Architects

The Hopkins’ Long House is one of the least radical of all the Living Architecture homes, referencing the ancient churches and barns of the area.

© Hopkins Architects

Yet, as in so many of the Hopkins’ later works, a respect for old-fashioned craft is allied to a fascination with high technology, both for its utility and its sheer beauty. The Long House has a great medieval-style hall in its centre and is capped with a vast timber roof, reinforced with steel cabling and trusses assembled into an intricate sculptural construction.

In this traditional English holiday region, the Hopkins’ have created a house singularly responsive to local materials and vernacular forms – and inspired by the best lessons of Modernism.

© Hopkins Architects

Local wood craftsmanship, local stone, modern and medieval. Lovely work.

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