Man charged with stabbing man, woman

A man has been charged with stabbing his partner and a friend in a flat after a drinking session at a nearby pub in southwest Sydney.

Police say two men and a woman had become involved in an argument in Fairfield on Thursday night.

Ambulance paramedics were called to the Kenyon Street flat about 8.45pm (AEST) after receiving reports a woman had been stabbed.

During the argument, a 52-year-old man allegedly produced a knife and stabbed his female partner multiple times in her chest and stomach.

He is also alleged to have stabbed a 37-year-old man’s upper arm.

The male stabbing victim managed to flee and alert police.

The injured man and woman were taken to Liverpool Hospital where they remain in serious but stable conditions.

The 52-year-old man was arrested and taken to Fairfield police station where he was charged with two counts of malicious wounding with intent.

He was refused bail to appear in Fairfield Local Court on Friday.

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