New powers to record every phone call and email makes surveillance ’60m times worse’

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Tom Whitehead
London Telegraph
April 2, 2012

The former Conservative Home Secretary argued the new powers risked causing enormous resentment by allowing “unfettered” access to all forms of communication.

The Coalition is to revive plans first raised then shelved by the last Labour Government to track the activities of every Briton who uses a phone or the internet.

The proposals, to be unveiled in the Queen’s Speech, will see a huge expansion in the amount of data communication providers are required to keep for at least a year.

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16 Responses to “New powers to record every phone call and email makes surveillance ’60m times worse’”

  1. Obviously, they’re losing their grip on the propaganda machine; we can’t have that ? If they know exactly where you are, then they can know how much collateral damage they can have with a false flag event. Have a big event advertised on the TV and watch everyone take off to the event, and when they get there, blow it up !

    rootboy Reply:
    April 2nd, 2012 at 4:32 am

    Lines of communication haven’t been “secure” in a long time – I’d be willing to pay for encrypted cell service if it existed, which is important to me when I talk dirty to my wife on the phone….. The has to be a rogue phone service out there , no ?

    Armageddon Reply:
    April 2nd, 2012 at 5:39 am

    It’s of no use! If they wish to get you they’ll manufacture your guilt. They have all the means necessary.

    kikewatch Reply:
    April 2nd, 2012 at 5:55 am

    Britain is Kikedom
    Origin of the word Britain, derives from Brit (hebrew for pact) or Brit Mila (hebrew for circumcision, which symbolizes the pact between god and Abraham). All British royal family members are circumcised. All of them bloody Kikes.

  2. Governments behaving badly as they try to keep a grip on power. The United Kingdom is in a bad way and its people are probably the least likely to object to intrusive government actions.
    Meanwhile back in America the exact same thing happens. In fact Governments all over the world are trying to prevent democracy evolving into a new form of governance. Democracy and Republics have never worked, the elite have always played and manipulated their people.

    The elite have bought the media, the media inform us that black is white and white is black. Misinformation is everywhere. But obviously not everyone will fall for this, so when some citizens seek alternative and honest information it is important that they are taken on a wild goose chase.

    Incomes Alex Jones, who tells you not to worry too much about your American slave masters because they are puppets of an off shore shadow government. This ensures you never free yourselves from your American slave masters. Warren Buffet and George Soros are big fans of Alex Jones, good old Prison Planet really keeps the sheep confused.

    There is a reason the American awakening is nothing more than talk. There is a reason nothing improves in America and if you follow this website and support Alex Jones, then you are part of the problem. The United Kingdom has been a vassal state of the United States since 1941.

    The British can certainly be criticized as much as the Americans. Both are a bunch of nationalistic retards who seem so sure they are superior that they don’t challenge their own obvious faults. But ultimately whatever happens in the USA will ultimately happen in its vassal state Britain.

    Armageddon Reply:
    April 2nd, 2012 at 5:22 am

    Well, Alex has has exposed as much as he could without naming the Zionists. That would be a death warrant to him and his work. I don’t see you giving us the truth here either. Either put up, or shut up!
    How is it, by the way, that the scum that gets attacked by this very site, are also his “big” fans? You stupid me thinks!

    Alex_Jones_a_Traitor_to_Freedom. Reply:
    April 2nd, 2012 at 5:42 am

    Armageddon, I’ve explained a thousand times before. Shall we try 1001 times? Okay..

    Democracies and Republics are governed by elite families. Its the same in every country. Their aim has been to give you just enough that you don’t rebel. Its worked up until now, but today people realize democracies and republics look after the rich and always have. They don’t offer you the same freedom and never have. So people are looking for something new and better.

    America and all republics /democracies are in the same boat. Governments and the ponzi stock markets are no longer believed by anyone. However, instead of looking for solutions and for a better form of governance, Prison Planet fans just like to blame foreigners for their problems.

    You think if a nonexistent shadow government can be beaten, then everything will be okay. That’s total BS…That’s Alex Jones BS. Europe could also claim its been hijacked by America. Actually that’s closer to the truth, as America has military bases all over the world and uses Wall street to influence all economies.

    Nevertheless the real quest is to figure out a more honest form of governance. No citizen in any supposed free country can audit a government and find out what happened to its tax payments. Whys that? It’s because democracy and republics are a fraud.

    Armageddon Reply:
    April 2nd, 2012 at 5:51 am

    I don’t disagree with you, but Alex has exposed a lot. It’s up to us to take it further. For instance how would a general strike affect all these countries involved? Try uniting enough people to do that though! I never believed much in democracy. I think a congress of above average intelligence people that truly love their country, and its people, is the way to go. Traitors have no other place but in the woodchipper. Feet first!

  3. Nice try Co-IntelPro but………….. FAIL !

    mcpride Reply:
    April 2nd, 2012 at 7:38 am

    yeah cause any one who disagrees with you is co-intelpro..but i disagree with some of the info, i would say the city of london is the heart of the financial beast with wall street acting as a subsidiary, just as the british royals are still one of the top leading familys, america has been the pupet of the british based elites.. for some time, possibly since its inception.. yes us uk citizens are made to think we are a province of the US but thats to keep us from realizing the bloodlines dont do nations. i do think one of the thing they have got from using the US as the military and economic might of their agenda is to tarnish the freedoms america is supposed to stand for in thee eyes of other countrys. my 1st thought about these laws was that americans would never stand for that sort of thing, but of course since 9 11 your rights have been trodden in to the ground, and of course protest in london will not be tolerated due to the riots and the olympics, its a very well thought out agenda

  4. I feel like reading this, that this isn’t news. I feel like its already done in every country anyways, people just need to wake up and unplug. Bring back the postal system!! If they want to listen to us, I think its only fair we get to listen to their calls and read their emails too.

    Armageddon Reply:
    April 2nd, 2012 at 5:26 am

    It’s a balancing act. Techology has spread the truth as never before in the history of mankind! Problem is those with the vast resources have the means to use it against us, and fully intend to.

  5. Ah yes state surveillance to “keep us all safe” yeah, right?

    Of course what they really saying is state surveillance so they can enforce whatever political agenda they want. If they don’t agree with what you think then you will go onto a list, maybe a hit list, and have an “accident” or “commit suicide” or become a “crime victim (unsolvable of course).”

    We know. Repressive regimes have used these tools for centuries. The more things change the more they stay the same. So, do not trust them.

    You do know people do not like being spied on right? Take a look at these MANY burned out Gatsos. It’s actually quite funny.

    www speedcam co uk/gatso2 htm

  6. keep using the tools of evil.
    Keep bying your intelligent iphones and look so cool.

    keep spreading fear and negative news Prison planet, the people are also now starting to understand the name of your game.

    $$$$$$$$$$$ it is all about $$$$$$$$$$$

    PP makes it money spreading negative and fear news every day 24/24
    it’s always about adding mental stress to those already living in insecirity.

    we have gone beyond the waking up process.THose still sleeping will also be sleeping when the tsunami’s hit? or the earth quakes hit? or the huricaines hit,or the astroid showers hit our planet.

    even if you do have built your own shelter, what makes you so shure you will survive? Have you tried to imagine the scale of chaos you could be facing?

  7. “If we can’t directly control and monitor your usage, you cannot use it.”

    Oh well. I say stop using it just like I say stop flying.

    But fucktards continue anyway… offering themselves up for abuse… screwing the rest of us over in the process.

  8. as if they haven’t been doing it already… the date, time, length of call and who i called etc are stored on the website of my mobile phone provider anyway….

    ‘every breath you take, every move you make i’ll be watching you’ etc etc…

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