Niddrie, at least, swings Labor’s way

Niddrie by-election winner Ben Carroll with Labor leader Daniel Andrews.

Niddrie by-election winner Ben Carroll with Labor leader Daniel Andrews. Photo: Pat Scala

THE small swing to Labor in Saturday’s Niddrie byelection is a mark against the Baillieu government and its failure to tackle the state’s growing jobs crisis, Opposition Leader Daniel Andrews says.

Labor candidate Ben Carroll won the byelection with a swing of about 2 per cent, and Mr Andrews predicted Mr Carroll would be a fantastic local member, replacing Rob Hulls in Parliament.

“We ran a grass-roots campaign almost exclusively on jobs,” he said, pointing out that more people had voted Labor on the weekend than had done so at the 2010 state election.

“It’s an endorsement of our very disciplined focus on what are very traditional issues, and that is [chiefly] keeping people in work,” Mr Andrews said.

Just over 82 per cent of the 37,000 enrolled voters in the seat turned out; more than one in 10 of those who did turn out cast an informal vote.

The Liberal Party did not run a candidate in the seat, and 47 per cent of first-preference votes counted so far went to Mr Carroll.

He was followed by independent candidate Andrea Surace, with almost 13 per cent, the Greens’ Josie Lester with just over 10 per cent, and the Sex Party’s Amy Myers with 8 per cent.

Born and raised in Airport West, Mr Carroll qualified as a lawyer in 2010 while working in the Victorian Government Solicitor’s Office.

The 36-year-old’s last job before Saturday’s byelection was as an adviser on the national broadband network to federal Communications Minister Stephen Conroy.

The government’s Denis Napthine said: “In a one-horse race, to get less than 50 per cent of the [primary] vote would be very disappointing.” The decision not to run a candidate, Mr Napthine said, was made because the government was concentrating on governing the state.

Second-preference votes will be counted from today.

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