Nimbies blamed for Sydney’s housing woes

Sydney’s aspiring homeowners will never be able to buy their own property if the rise of “nimbyism” isn’t tackled, a think tank says.

In a submission to the NSW government’s discussion paper, Sydney Over the Next 20 Years, the McKell Institute said the median house price in Sydney is now $641,000, compared to Melbourne’s median price of $529,000.

A “large chunk” of the blame is due to the rise of “nimbyism”, said the institute – an independent body that aims to develop policy and encourage public debate.

“The silent majority of young aspiring homeowners has been drowned out by inner urban activists with a megaphone,” McKell Institute executive director Peter Bentley said in a statement on Monday.

As a consequence of blocking development in “well-heeled, middle ring suburbs”, Mr Bentley said six in 10 Sydneysiders under 35 can’t afford to buy a home.

To turn this situation around, the institute is advocating that the capital build three terrace homes in each quarter-acre (1000 square metre) block within 600 metres of a train station or transport hub.

There should also be no delays for compliant developments, a metropolitan strategy that takes precedence over council planning and a push for high-density buildings around transport.

“Unless we aggressively pursue terraces, townhouses and medium density flat developments, an entire generation will be frozen out of the property market,” Mr Bentley said.

“The median home costs a whopping 9.2 times the median household income, when it should be about two to three times median income.

“We need bold reformist ideas to tackle this problem and our action plan is designed to help spark that debate.”

Submission’s for the state government’s discussion paper closed on June 29.

A draft metropolitan strategy, which will provide a framework for the city’s growth, is expected to follow in the coming months.

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