‘Not a country’: Corrupt ICC blocks Israeli war crimes probe in Palestine

April 4, 2012

The ICC has refused Palestine’s bid for an investigation into the Israeli military offensive on the Gaza strip on the basis that Palestine is not a recognized state. Human rights groups have strongly criticized the move, while Israel has praised it.

A prosecutor from the International Criminal Court said the investigation would get the go ahead only if the UN or its Security Council recognizes Palestine as a state.

“I need Palestine recognized as a state because I am not the prosecutor of the world; I am the prosecutor of the countries who accept my jurisdiction. I need a country accepting me and then I investigate the crimes,” Luis Moreno-Ocampo told Al Arabiya on Monday.

Israel welcomed the announcement, the Israeli Foreign Minister saying in a statement that “Israel made it clear in the first place that the ICC has no jurisdiction in this matter.”

The Israeli military incursion into Gaza began in winter of 2008, when their forces entered Gaza with the aim of stopping rocket fire into Israel. Palestinian forces continued with their rocket bombardment in return for what they described as Israeli “massacres”.

The war came to an end in January 2009 when Israel declared a ceasefire, Hamas followed suit 12 hours afterwards.

The conflict is estimated to have claimed between 1,166 and 1,417 Palestinian lives.

  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Rights groups rounded on the decision, a spokesperson from Amnesty International branding the move as “dangerous” and “inconsistent with the independence of the ICC.”

“It also breaches the Rome Statute, which clearly states that such matters should be considered by the institution’s judges,” said Marek Marczyñski, head of Amnesty International’s International Justice Campaign on Tuesday.

The Rome Statute is the ICC’s founding treaty and allows states not party to the statute to accept the Court’s jurisdiction.

In 2009 the Palestinian Authority officially accepted the purview of the International Court, but the country’s lack of recognition as a state still remains the stumbling block impeding the investigation.

Israel is not subject to the Rome Statute and consequently denies the ICC’s has any jurisdiction in Gaza.

Over 130 governments have supported Palestine’s status as an independent state, but the General Assembly still classifies the Palestine Liberation Organization as an observer state, as opposed to a non-member state.

The nation filed for UN membership last September, but the Security Council has yet to reach a decision as to whether it will welcome Palestine as a member state.

The lack of clarity concerning Palestine’s international status that is making it difficult for it do ask for legal action from institutions such as the ICC, says Jeff Halper, co-founder and executive director of the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions.

“The Palestinians exist in a kind of a limbo. Because they’re not a state, they don’t have access to all the instruments of international law, or of the UN system. But at the same time, international law that does apply to the occupied territories is intended to protect them. Especially the 4th Geneva Convention is not enforced by the international community.”

Halper also told RT that this ambiguity is almost a catch-22 for the Palestinians, as they are left relying on the very people they believe oppress them to protect them.

“So on the one hand, they don’t have the instruments to protect themselves, and on the other hand the international community doesn’t accept its responsibility to afford protection for the Palestinians. It’s the hugest problem we have in international law and human rights – the instruments of law exist, the courts exist, the institutions exist. But the ability to implement international law on governments like Israel is completely missing,” Halper said.


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12 Responses to “‘Not a country’: Corrupt ICC blocks Israeli war crimes probe in Palestine”

  1. ICC is a well known tool of the NWO , just look at the travesty of justice they’ve perpetrated upon Yougoslavia , as perhaps the biggest example.

  2. “I need Palestine recognized as a state because I am not the prosecutor of the world; I am the prosecutor of the countries who accept my jurisdiction.”

    In that case they should have just called Obama.

  3. And the LORD said unto me, A conspiracy is found among the men of Judah, and among the inhabitants of Jerusalem.
    “They have healed the brokenness of My people superficially, Saying, ‘Peace, peace,’ But there is no peace.”
    “Do not pray for this people nor offer any plea or petition for them, because I will not listen when they call to me in the time of their distress.
    Jeremiah the prophet.

    • Zionist Israel counterfeit state IS the abomination that causes desolation standing in a Holy place

      • God created Israel when He changed the name of Jacob to Israel(Genesis 35:10). Because of idolatry and disobedience God scattered them throughout the world.
        Now in these last days, God through human means, birthed the Jewish state just as He said He would through His prophet(Isaiah 66:8).
        Not all Israel is Israel(Romans 9:6), but God is regathering His people from the four corners of the earth(Isaiah 11:12). Every time our leaders start talking about dividing up their land God sends DISASTER.
        During the soon coming Tribulation God is going to PURGE Israel and 2/3 will die(Zechariah 13:8). God will protect 1/3(Rev. 12:6) and bring them through the fire and refine them as gold. God says, they shall call on my name, and I will hear them: I will say, It is my people: and they shall say, The LORD is my God(Zechariah 13:9).

        At the 2nd coming God will SMITE the enemies and enemy nations of Israel(Rev. 19:15). Israel will then look on Whom they’ve pierced(Zechariah 12:10), repent and once and for all be grafted back into the Vine, Jesus Christ(Romans 11:22-26).
        Israel has a GLORIOUS future. Going into the Millennium Israel will enjoy the New Covenant(Jeremiah 31). Israel will bear physical fruit(Amos 9:13-15). Israel will also bear spiritual fruit as Jews will evangelize other nations(Zechariah 8:23). Jerusalem will be the spiritual center of the earth(Zechariah 8:20-22).
        The 12 disciples will sit on 12 thrones ruling the 12 tribes of Israel(Luke 22:30). This passage SILENCES the heresy that the Church becomes Israel. There’s a spiritual Israel(Galatians 3:28) and a physical Israel.

        God chose Israel to put His Holy name(Deut. 7:7-10, 14:2; 1Peter 2:9,10) and to bless the families of the earth(Genesis 12:3) and to bring salvation to the world, for salvation is of the Jews(John 4:22).
        Israel will NEVER be pushed out of her land and during the Millennium will receive from the Lord the rest of the land God gave her outlined in Numbers 34. This land will go to her seed forever(Genesis 13:15).
        Israel is the apple of God’s eye(Zechariah 2:8), and to fight against Israel is to fight against God Himself.LOL

        During the Millennium, Israel will be the MODEL NATION God meant for her for 3500yrs.

        • Seventy weeks are DETERMINED upon THY PEOPLE and upon THY HOLY CITY… Dan. 9:24

          Strong’s H2852 – chathak – determined
          1)to be determined, be decreed, be settled, be marked out

          I have appointed thee each DAY FOR A YEAR. Eze. 4:6

          70 weeks x 7 days = 490 YEARS

          Jesus saith unto him, I say not unto thee, Until seven times: but, Until SEVENTY TIMES SEVEN (Reference to 70 week probationary time). Matt. 18:22

          Starting point of the 70 weeks = King Artaxerxes decree in 457BC to rebuild Jeruselum.

          Ending point of 70 weeks = Stoning of Steven in 34AD ending Jewish probationary time.

          And when he saw a FIG TREE (Symbol Of Jewish Nation) in the way, he came to it, and FOUND NOTHING THEREON, but leaves only, and said unto it, LET NO FRUIT GROW ON THEE HENCEFORWARD FOR EVER. Matt. 21:19

          And now also the axe is laid unto THE ROOT OF THE TREES: every tree therefore which bringeth not forth good fruit IS HEWN DOWN, AND CAST INTO THE FIRE. Luke 3:9

          The kingdom of God shall be TAKEN FROM YOU, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof. Matt. 21:43

          Behold, YOUR HOUSE is left unto you DESOLATE. Matt. 23:38

          Who Is Israel
          http ://www.john1429.org/video/Israel/Israel.html

          1000 Years Explained (Millennium)
          http ://www.remnantofgod.org/1000yr.htm

        • Now that edwinrads IDOL has been exposed he’ll post a bunch of stuff about the apostate seventh-day adventists thinking it will change the truth. However, the Bible is crystal clear on this matter as anyone here can see. The so-called “Jews” even to this day pronounce a curse upon anyone who CORRECTLY interprets the 70th week of Daniel because it pointed DIRECTLY to Jesus Christ as the messiah and DIRECTLY to the nations demise.

          A Sage said: “May the curse of heaven fall upon those who calculate the date of the advent of the Messiah, and thus create political and social unrest among the people.” Sanhedrin, 97b.

          Rabbis after the time of Christ have pronounced a curse on anyone who would attempt to calculate the dates of this chapter. – Talmud Sanhedrin 97b, Soncino ed., p. 659.

          Furthermore, this passage deals primarily with Jesus — not with some “future Fuehrer,” to use Hal Lindsey’s term for the Antichrist. In fact, the prophecy points so unmistakably to the time of the MESSIAH’S COMING, and so directly foretold HIS DEATH, that in later centuries Jewish rabbis who did not accept Jesus DISCOURAGED its study and finally pronounced a CURSE on all who attempt to compute the time elements!

          Footnote to last quote:

          31 See Talmud Sanhedrin 97b, Soncino edition, p. 659.

          NOTE: All the capitalizations in the above quote are original with the author, and are reproduced for the sake of accuracy.

          Howard A. Peth, 7 Mysteries Solved: 7 Issues that Touch the Heart of Mankind Second edition, Revised (California: Hart Books, 2002).

          70 Weeks Of Daniel
          http ://www.remnantofgod.org/70weeks.htm

          Source Links For All Quotes Above
          http ://amazingdiscoveries.org/AD-Header-Downloads-References-RabbinicCurse

  4. If anyone still thinks there is no plutocratic world despotism then you are sadly mistaken.

    Herodotus wrote of Palestine in The Histories 500 BC.
    Modern day Israel was set up by the Rothschilds. its no more than a fortress in the middle of the desert. Its a secular nation when convenient and a Jewish nation when persecuted.

    The star on the flag of Israel has nothing to do with Judaism. Moreover, the star of david has nothing to do with the ancient Hebrews. If you want to keep going Judaism has nothing to do with the ancient Hebrews. The Israelites were outcasts. No different than the Branch Davidians.

    The star of david is really the star of Rothschild. We talk about how Palestinians are an invented people but they are not. They are indigenous to the area for thousands of years. Jesus was a Palestinian. Modern day Israel is 98% Jewish. Of those, Ashkenazi, Sephardic and Mizrahi are all EUROPEAN converts. Not true descendants of ancient Hebrews / Israelites.

    This is all fact.

    • There are a few places like that in the world , where the most virulent antagonistic
      types who look at ” foreigners ” , or those from another culture with the evil eye ,
      are actually not natives themselves of the place they make such a big deal about …

      P.S. This planet is choke full of mental cases !!!

    • LOL. The Lord God Jesus Christ was a Jew. He lived as a Jew, kept perfectly the Jewish Law, observed Jewish holy days, and was recognized as a Jew(John 4:9).
      In the Jewish temple was an outer court and inner court. The Gentiles were only allowed in the outer court where business was conducted. If they went into the inner court they could be executed(Acts 21:26-32). Jesus taught in the INNER part of the temple where only Jews could go.
      Jesus was brought before the Jewish Sanhedrin for trial. ONLY JEWS were brought before this Jewish body.

  5. again its just a lopsided veiw all our news is only one veiw…pro slavery..go back to sleep sheeple take your prozac and watch your artifical god(tv) drink your flouride water and live in peace

  6. Yeah, Africa is not an ‘country’ either, and the UN is never held accountable for their war-crimes there as well.

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