Obama administration diverts $500M to IRS to implement healthcare reform law

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Sam Baker
The Hill
Monday, April 9, 2012

The Obama administration is quietly diverting roughly $500 million to the IRS to help implement the president’s healthcare law.

The money is only part of the IRS’s total implementation spending, and it is being provided outside the normal appropriations process. The tax agency is responsible for several key provisions of the new law, including the unpopular individual mandate.

Republican lawmakers have tried to cut off funding to implement the healthcare law, at least until after the Supreme Court decides whether to strike it down. That ruling is expected by June, and oral arguments last week indicated the justices might well overturn at least the individual mandate, if not the whole law.

“While President Obama and his Senate allies continue to spend more tax dollars implementing an unpopular and unworkable law that may very well be struck down as unconstitutional in a matter of months, I’ll continue to stand with the American people who want to repeal this law and replace it with something that will actually address the cost of healthcare,” said Rep. Denny Rehberg (R-Mont.), who chairs the House Appropriations subcommittee for healthcare and is in a closely contested Senate race this year.

Full story here.

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21 Responses to “Obama administration diverts $500M to IRS to implement healthcare reform law”

  1. I love it.

    Here is proof positive that the entire Con-gress is now useless.

    For YEARS congress critters have been saying that they “hold the purse strings” and they can “defund” any program they want.


    This is just another “IN YOUR FACE” moment for Obumbles and his master, soroso.

    These over paid criminals will all get the peoples justice when the SHTF this summer and end up dancing from the end of a rope.

    American Dystopia Reply:
    April 9th, 2012 at 12:24 pm

    Congress hasn’t passed a budget in 4 years every single cent the Federal government spends or borrows or collects in tax is a criminal act.

  2. Wow. Not really shocked that slimy Obama would do this, but more outraged I guess that Congress just sits idly. It’s time to nuke DC once and for all.

  3. Obamacare is simply a tax increase.

    It is there to enrich the healthcare insurance cartel, yes CARTEL, enforced by the IRS.

    They get millions in bonuses and you get double-digit premium increases for the same thing.
    I’m sure Congress gets their kickback.




    Spymyeys Reply:
    April 9th, 2012 at 12:40 pm

    it will never stop SDM.

    not until every last one of those crooks is strung up from telephone poles across the nation, and even then I doubt it will change much!

    Greed and dishonest people go hand in hand and when they aquire some power the corruption never stops.

    Kill them all and let satan sort it out.

    Spiritof76 Reply:
    April 9th, 2012 at 7:46 pm

    The time for talk is at an end!
    The American Revolution started with only 3% participation from Colonists.
    The American Revolution was won by participation of 5% of Colonists.

    Remember the words of the following famous men:

    “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”
    — Thomas Jefferson

    “If you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a small chance of survival. There may even be a worse case: you may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.”
    — Winston Churchill

    “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” (Edmund Burke)

    If you are reading this then YOU are the RESISTANCE!

  5. Mein fuhrer is creating funding for his mass-sterilzation rfid program …

  6. i feel healthier already…. ☠

  7. I object your honor. Why the IRS? Why the money before the verdict? Why is Obama still in office?
    Obama is a joke and so are any who follow his orders and mandates or gives them to him. I’d tell him peaceably to his face but he’s probably on vacation.

  8. Yeah, you see, the Congress is bought off by the Lobbyists so you wonder why everyone circumvents them ? The Senate’s doing the same thing too !

  9. The IRS requested only 300 million now it’s 500 million, maybe they need some extra

  10. Resist!

  11. Good Lord, OK, Obama ‘care’ IS a GENOCIDE BILL/INFANTICIDE BILL. THAT is what IT IS. It should be plain and simple, but the vast majority are too PLAIN AND SIMPLE to see it for what it is. It was DEEMED AND PASSED, SO UH THAT, UH WE, UH CAN, UH SEE , UH WHAT, UH IS, UH IN , IT. What is in is it MURDER FOR THE MASSES= GENOCIDE. But the spineless weak ass majority only complain that it’s a power grab. THAT is, UH the UH, distraction. Obama ‘care’ is the OPPOSITE of what it says it is, just like every thing that departs oby’s two faced mouth, the opposite of what he says is what occurs. Jesus God damned Christ on a fuggin crutch!!!! The individual ‘mandate’ is the LEAST of humanities problems. Sneaky, underhaded, deem and pass GENOCIDE/INFANTICIDE. It IS what it IS. Wake the FUGGKK UP!!!!!!!!!

  12. It UH is UH a UH population UH reduction UH bill UH……GET IT YET????????!!

  13. I see the problem here. Yall need more drugs. I’m prescribe you some stuff I just saw on TV it will make ya really happy. Just go ask yor doctor about it once everything is FREE! We gonna win the election yee haw.

  14. Article I Section IX.

    Just one more plank in the Articles of Impeachment.

  15. So what’s OBAMACARE ?

    It’s actually the AFFORDABLE Health Care law. Shuuuuurrrrre. AFFORRRRRRDABLE.

    Right. DOES ANYONE KNOW HOW AFFORDABLE ???? Lets see. That must be on page ’2,438.’ And the only guy who has read page 2,438 is the guy who wrote page 2,438 and nobody knows who that guy is.

    So lets stay tuned for AFFORRRRRRDABLE. (half your take-home ?? .. )

    Was 10 years in Iraq/Afghanistan affordable .. are Washingtonian ‘technical health care bill writers’ whom Pelosi herself admitted to not knowing what they write .. these guys .. know AFFORDABILITY ??

    And trusted to pass their law .. like signing a contract to purchase a house on loan and not know the % or the price. Or who the bank is. Just sign on the dotted line.

    And what if they want to raise the rates ? However much they wish ? (and whenever) .. that’s on page ’2,627.’

  16. LMAO… and you are probably right.. and we’re paying for it AGAIN…

  17. LMAO.. you’re probably right, and we’re paying for it

  18. And if you don’t pay your IRS enforced Health Insurance they take your passport. Wonderful assholes aren’t they?

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