Obama Tells Allies U.S. Will Attack Iran By Fall 2012

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President prepared to use war as re-election campaign tool

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Friday, November 4, 2011

Barack Obama has told America’s allies that the United States will attack Iran before fall 2012 unless Tehran halts its nuclear program, a time frame that suggests Obama is willing to use war as a re-election campaign tool to rally the population around his leadership.

Obama Tells Allies U.S. Will Attack Iran By Fall 2012 obama iran

A subscriber-only report by DebkaFile, the Israeli intelligence outfit which has been proven accurate in the past, reveals that shortly after the end of NATO operations in Libya at the start of this week, “President Barack Obama went on line to America’s senior allies, Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Israel and Saudi Arabia, with notice of his plan to attack Iran no later than September-October 2012 – unless Tehran halted its nuclear weaponization programs.”

According to the report, the window of opportunity for an attack before Iran moves the bulk of its nuclear processing underground is quickly evaporating.

Obama’s directive contributed to the flurry of reports this week about NATO powers putting their Iran war contingency plans on standby.

“Obama’s announcement was not perceived as a general directive to US allies, but a guideline to blow the dust off the contingency plans for a strike against Iran’s nuclear facilities which stayed locked in bottom drawers for three years,” states the report, adding that “Obama’s announcement spurred Germany, France, Britain, Italy and Israel into girding their navies, air forces, ballistic units and anti-missile defense systems for the challenges ahead.”

The imminent withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq is part of a program to re-arrange the United States’ presence in the Gulf. This dovetails with numerous reports over the past few weeks that large numbers of U.S. troops are being stationed in Kuwait.

“Military sources in the Gulf report that NATO and Persian Gulf leaders are treating the prospect of a US strike against Iran with the utmost seriousness,” states the article, adding that America plans to rebuild its Gulf presence as part “of a new US focus on cutting Iran down to size.”

  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t
  • Obama Tells Allies U.S. Will Attack Iran By Fall 2012

The timing of a potential fall 2012 attack would of course coincide with Obama’s attempt to secure a second term in the White House. If by that time the United States has embarked on yet another military assault in the Middle East, it would undoubtedly play to Obama’s advantage, just as George W. Bush cited U.S. involvement in Iraq as a reason for voters not to “change horse” in the middle of a race back in 2004.

As we have previously reported, influential neo-cons within the U.S. have made it clear to Obama that they will give him political cover and an opportunity to resurrect his flagging political career if he launched an attack on Iran.

In February last year, vehement Israeli-firster and signatory to the infamous PNAC document Daniel Pipes wrote a piece for the National Review Online entitled, How to Save the Obama Presidency: Bomb Iran, encouraging Obama to “salvage his tottering administration” by giving orders “for the U.S. military to destroy Iran’s nuclear-weapon capacity.”

Rumors that Israel was preparing for an attack on Iran have been rumbling all summer, but they really came to the fore in early October when US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta’s October 3 Tel Aviv visit was used as an opportunity by Israeli hawks to convince Panetta to green light the attack. Just ten days later, details emerged of a highly dubious assassination plot in the United States that was blamed on Iran.

This week has seen a barrage of news and leaked information which confirms that Israel, the U.S. and the United Kingdom are all on a war footing in preparation for targeting Iran’s nuclear facilities.

Much of that information came as a result of deliberate leaks by former Israeli intelligence chiefs Meir Dagan and Yuval Diskin, who are attempting to derail the attack on Iran and remove Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu from office.

DebkaFile has proven itself to be accurate in predicting the precise time frame of conflicts in the past, correctly reporting back in July that the war in Libya would come to a head in early September, which is when rebels seized Tripoli and Gaddafi went on the run.

Should Obama and the United States’ NATO allies lead the attack on Iran, Israel itself is likely to take a back seat, according to reports which suggest the Zionist state will concentrate on defending the home front against likely reprisal attacks carried out by Hizballah.


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison Planet.com. He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show.

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82 Responses to “Obama Tells Allies U.S. Will Attack Iran By Fall 2012”

  1. I see this move coming sooner. Now that Israel has been outed by former Mossad chief, they’ll need to step this up.

    Semper Fi

    Matzo Man Reply:
    November 4th, 2011 at 9:51 am

    This is Obama’s goddamn re-election strategy. He knows he won’t be booted if we are in a big war. Is he above starting one to keep his butt in office? Not from what I have read.

    He doesn’t give a s*t about us! We are cannon fodder to him.

    November 4th, 2011 at 1:31 pm


    Super Duper Man 1776 Reply:
    November 4th, 2011 at 2:30 pm






  2. Just try it Obama. If you attack Iran, it will be the final nail in the coffin to your slim chances of being elected President again in 2012. American citizens have had enough of the bullshit war mongering. This will backfire on your sorry ass.

    peaceonearth Reply:
    November 4th, 2011 at 8:59 am

    after a terrorists receives the Nobel bribe prize and a fat pension of a quarter of a million a year plus full benefits, he no longer needs to be head terrorist in charge

    Quantummonkeybutt Reply:
    November 4th, 2011 at 9:04 am

    “…If you attack Iran, it will be the final nail in the coffin to your slim chances of being elected President again in 2012…”

    You Really Don’t Know Much About President Monkey Boy, Do You???

    He Doesn’t Give A Rat’s Ass If He’s Elected Again…The ‘New World Order’ Has Already Defeated Amerikkka By Using Our Own Wealth, Power, And Weaponry Development Capabilities AGAINST US…

    (www.) youtube.com/watch?v=a9nAB9G7z44

    like water
    to waterpipe

    mpennery Reply:
    November 4th, 2011 at 2:08 pm

    …and what exactly does a fake ‘old’ video have to do with this Miss QMB?
    You’ll have to forgive me, I’m a little slow sometimes.


    Lexington, ky

  3. Son of s white……………

  4. the war planes are flying overhead every night ,virginia just like before iraq

  5. Obama Tells Allies U.S. Will Attack Iran By Fall 2012

    “Nobel Peace Prize winner”?!!! ======== BULLSHIT !! ================

    This NWO toadie is nothing but a tool for the NWO. Anyone that votes for this “communist in chief” is a traitor to the USA.

    Death to tyrants, traitors, and anyone or anything that collaborates with the NWO.

    I hate this bastards guts!


    Shin325 Reply:
    November 4th, 2011 at 10:02 am

    You know what, I agree…
    And i am FUCKING PISSED!

    reconscoutsniper Reply:
    November 4th, 2011 at 10:31 am

    Its about time you pulled your head out of your ass.

    What took you so long?!!


    Peace Frog Reply:
    November 4th, 2011 at 2:09 pm

    here’s the short list of obama 2012 voters

    all negroes

    most mexicans

    all homesexuals…lesbians…bi-sexuals….and transtesticals

    all OWS idiots

    most democ-rats

    everybody on welfare…food stamps..all .BIG GOV moochers

    most senior citizens living on SSI

    all of NAMBLA

    all convicts…ex cons…future cons….and gang bangers

    most white female morons who think he’s just like Will Smith

    all the libs …progs…commies (all colors)…white…brown…red…yellow…black…titty pink

    Johnny Tremain Reply:
    November 4th, 2011 at 3:33 pm

    Titty pink? whats that?

  6. Spell check………….. Son of a whore….. Lmao

  7. For all the fence sitters and undecided, isn’t it as plain as the nose on your face whose bidding your country is doing?

  8. This is all team Obumbles has left.

    His second victory tour was even less popular than when he did it nation wide for Osamma.

    His team FAILED to push the “white-man terrorist” act hard enough and the country did’nt buy it.

    This is it, it’s the LAST boogie-man, aside from his comrades in N. Korea, China, Russia, Cuba, ect. ect.

    Hey, come to think of it, isnt it a lot easier to create your false-flag attacks in places where nobody can see them or verify them?


  9. Recon,
    How many time will you keep making the same mistake, Obama is not a Communist, he just like the little deserter george bush, are Fascists.
    Now lets just hope Iran has some big surprises for the scum bags in Washington and their stooges.

    reconscoutsniper Reply:
    November 4th, 2011 at 9:27 am

    Crawl back in your hole.

    You’re stupid. End of story. One other thing dumb ass, what would happen if Iran invaded the USA? Are you a muslim?

    Do you follow sharia law? They’ll cut your ignorant head off, stupid. Crawl back into the shit hole you crawled out of. You’re a fucking idiot….just like the rest of your kind.


    Johnny Tremain Reply:
    November 4th, 2011 at 3:41 pm

    No way could Iran invade America. It would take them 2 years of undisturbed staging in Mexico. They have no blue water navy, Amadinajad (sp)? said ” Soviet Union had 10′s of thousands of bombs,what good did it do them?” Thats a truthful statement.
    The whole ugly plot is written in plain sight, see “THE PENTAGONS NEW MAP” by this NWO messenger boy Thomas Barnett

  10. Hmmm! So re-election with blood money from the military industrial complex is more important than Jewish, Arab and of course American life.

    Hmmm! We were close to this cross-roads 10 years ago…though not this close. Give the giants surrounding this issue a chance to stir. My bet is that US will back down. If they do not the American people will have one small window to get their government and military under-control. If they do not make a big enough demonstration of their anger, the repercussions could be horrible.

    There are countries that have a mind set so different than us that it will be easy as pie to inflict massive damage on us at almost zero cost. Heck…since we worry so much about air travel imagine a person who infects himself with a deadly highly contagious virus before getting on a plane. Almost no symptoms on boarding. Now how are you going to stop that? We are so foolish to think we can protect against retaliations. There are a million such ways…too easy. It would perhaps be fitting if it were small pox on a gift of blankets. (Any First Nations people will get that reference).

    Mr. Thrillkill Reply:
    November 4th, 2011 at 10:52 am

    More important than Fukishima too.

    There’s still the potential for a full blown spewout there.
    No wonder nobody wants to volunteer for the rescue.
    I guess more fallout is on the agenda, with the Iran thing coming up.

    By the way, I have a theory, that some people might think is crazy, but if an all out thermonuclear war comes to pass,
    as in “mutually assured destruction (MADD) , ” it has been said, by prominent scientists of our times, that there would be a “nuclear winter,” and perhaps even a planetary ice age … that’s the theory of consensus, of the scientific community … are they crazy too ?

    Now on to my crazy theory, which you might reject …
    The Van Allen Belt is not a natural phenomenum … it was
    artificially induced, most likely by an all out thermonuclear war.

    People will argue “You paranoid wingnut … how could that have happened in ancient times, e.i., before the dawning of western civilization ?”

    “Well,” I thought to myself, “I guess that depends on who’s writing the history.” … and who would profit from
    fucking up the history ? … I logically deduced that it
    must be the winners, e.i. the empire masters that have
    vanquished their imaginary enemy.
    One could conclude from this, that it’s the way it’s always
    been, down through the anus of ancient intergallactic

    These same old worn out vampire peckerheaded geeks
    are taking over the reigns again, and drumming up new
    phoney wars, wars on all fronts.

    Here’s another crazy theory of mine … deserts on this planet are a product of an artificially induced phenomenum. Sound familiar ?

    … and here’s my final nail in the coffin … if the natural man ( the human being, remember him ? ) can, and eventually will, make a comeback, convince and help his fellow man to live according to the natural law of the universe, this great and resilient planet of ours ( terra ) ,
    will bounce back just like it always has, throughout history.

    alex Reply:
    November 4th, 2011 at 5:16 pm

    violet9———–good one;
    good ones are few and far in between.
    good one.

  11. Purple lips will be surprised when after 11/11/11 he’s no longer recognized as president. His illegal game is over.

    Hillary wants war with Iran now to redirect attention from Fast and Furious. Can she wait until 2012. I doubt it. She needs the distraction now!

    March 11/11/11 in D.C.

    Rally for the Constitution.

    AandO Reply:
    November 4th, 2011 at 1:11 pm

    Competing dates?

    So many MAJOR items that need covering up. Where should we War next?

    And don’t ever forget that all Warfare is based on DECEPTION.

    Not to mention that Muslim theology requires an adherent to lie.

    Who knows what magical trick will be pulled from the satanic political bag. Maybe a false flag maybe another War maybe a complete economic melt down maybe ……..add your own

    Twitchbar Reply:
    November 4th, 2011 at 3:22 pm

    All they need now is THE ISKRA ‘The Spark’(False-Flag) to ignite this Tinder Box

  12. it is the old “closing the barn door after the horse ran away” senario.

    that’s why big Sis just took over a few million acres of land along the canadian border, to make us MORE safe.

    It is all a crock of shit.

    Our nation has been taken over by corporations, banks, and anyone with enough money to buy the things they want.

    Just like when the USSR collapsed, everything was for sale.

    Well, now thanks to Obumbles, the final nails are being driven into our coffin and most people STILL don’t give a cold turd about it.

    Our republic will NOT be restored until the majority of americans are ready to stand and fight.

  13. “…large numbers of U.S. troops are being stationed in Kuwait.”

    There is not a lot of maneuvering room for such a large invasion. Also we will invade from Afghanistan. Ahh the power of [borrowed] money…

    This is really bad! I would have preferred a CIA takeover like what happened last time.
    Things just get worse and worse!
    Obama is doing this just to get re-elected you know. He’s playing the odds. I’m sure he knows the fix is in the voting machines already, just in case. He has the most campaign money by far.

  14. I guess Libya was just a testing ground. They were just warming up.

    I wonder what kind of excuse they will use?

    reconscoutsniper Reply:
    November 4th, 2011 at 10:41 am

    They dont need one. They’ll just do it. Who’s going to stop them?

    Until we either storm the Bastille, or, we get rid of obamas crowd, we are in a tight spot.


    Matzo Man Reply:
    November 4th, 2011 at 11:26 am

    There will be a lot of casualties on both sides… they will send 100 to kill 1 of ours. They will have the numbers and a LOT of terrain that they know well and the dusty weather on their side, if you remember what happened with Carter. They may counter-attack in the dust.

    All of this abuse just for some bag of crap in the WH to keep is chair.

    Johnny Tremain Reply:
    November 4th, 2011 at 3:52 pm

    such a war would not be designed to win( nor lose), a blow up into WWIII ? read (Albert Pike WWIII)
    most of the wars for the last 100 years seek the stalemate. the synthesis of the resultant.
    Big Scary war , perhaps include confrontation with China, Result … a UN brokered peace. one world military.. Whirred peas the sheeple have been waiting for.. imagine no more war?? all we need is world surrender

  15. This unconstitutional fraudulent lying ego tripping peace prize winning according to researchers a confirmed bastard with no vetting and no previous records of any financial accomplishments only dirty side deals with sewer rats, has the nerve after destroying the American economy for future generations, to now proclaim as a way out of a losing situation, whereby he will guaranteed lose the next election, will try to provoke a world wide war starting with Iran and ending who knows where, to try and salvage a failed hemorrhaging world economy that is teetering on the brink of disaster, to hide the monstrous debt at the same time close off any concerns or debate about the criminality that has just materialized in the public’s conscious mind as the banksters and investors, politicians and money trust elites, greatest heist in the history of the world, a theft beyond all biblical proportions, and to hide this crime, the only thing they can do is exercise a draft into a war of their own creation.
    It’s not Iran who wants to go to war, it’s the Netanyahu Israeli zionists along with the United States of America under Barack Hussein Obama and his European gang of financially stressed partners in crime, who’ve stolen the very lifeblood right out of the world’s economies. With not one conviction or arrest of any of the guilty parties.
    If ever there was a crime against humanity, it was the day that Barack Hussein (Barry Soetoro) Obama was born, followed by the day he was inaugurated the 44th President. May he rot in Hell for even suggesting this madness. He should immediately be stripped of this Nobel Peace Prize Now!

  16. look at his pictures he is getting grey old and slow just like that terrorist George bush

    mpennery Reply:
    November 4th, 2011 at 10:25 am

    Actually, his image is, like the other presidents before him, carefully crafted. Hair is colored and then gray is slowly added as the term progresses. Statesmen are, after all, supposed to look wise and slightly aged, so as to garner greater respect. If you were to organize photographs by date of Clinton and Bush during their presidencies, it would blow your mind how often the hair color changed. When the presidency is a theatre production, every single little detail is managed to manipulate and condition the mind of the people. If you were to organize those photos with events, you would see that hair color also changes depending on what audience is before them. Younger audiences get darker hair; older audiences get more gray. And, nothing personal but your comment shows this works. We are meant to believe the job is a grind and that aging accelerates and hair grays. The truth is the opposite. How many vacations have the ‘Obamas’ taken this term?


    Lexington, ky

    Twitchbar Reply:
    November 4th, 2011 at 11:43 am

    I was reading on Henrymakow.com where he actually has a homosexual background
    ……….like Hitler

    Twitchbar Reply:
    November 4th, 2011 at 11:48 am

    one things for sure
    he should have been drowned at birth
    Look how many lives would have been saved
    he is a Tyrant

    AandO Reply:
    November 4th, 2011 at 1:22 pm

    I’ll check that site after commenting to your post..

    I recall after oblama became el presidente hearing of the death of his queer lover at jeremiah wrights facility. As I recall, he was pole smoking with a member of the choir, maybe the choir leader?


    I remember thinking at the time about the similarities of obamy and clintoris re murder.





    Minutes away

  18. So can you see why they can make the prophecies happen today?

    the floods???? earth quakes??? Tsumani’s ??? tornadoes? hurricanes??

  19. Useless illigitimate mentally ill Kenyan sellout NWO prick.

  20. and they gave him a peace prize???? whats going on here?

  21. Debka?


    I’m just trying to think if I’ve ever read anything on Debka that’s turned out to be real…..

    still trying…


  22. Let’s hope it’s all a bluff….. Sure makes me more and more anti-Israeli… They spy on us, steal our money by bribing our politicians and supporting candidates O.K. with giving THEM our campaign “contrabutions WITH OUR OWN MONEY….. Israel is our No.1 Welfare Queen and maybe No.1 killer of Americans “By Way of Deception…!!!! Remember all the Neocon influence to get Bush to attack Iraq….. Americans should NOT be attacking anyone for nuclear armed Israel….. especially the unarmed and weak….. What type of retribution the seething 1.4 billion Muslims will have in store for them when the tables turn? Or do they expect to rob, steal and grup.ps onto stay on top forever…??? Maybe the Muslims don’t notice what is happening….

  23. Iran Lebanon Syria and Egypt should band together and have a pact to launch every thing they have if Israel attacks Iran. An attack by the US of Iran should also be veiwed as and attack by Israel.

  24. seems obama is shooting for second peace prize in a role,no matter it will lead to prize over bilions of dead bodies,who cares for people round the globe when we have the winner….

  25. Gosh AJ, no offense, but do you realize that you have given us this “dire” warning on average of every 6 months for the last 4 years, interspersed with “economic doom” and “death of the dollar” repeated at the same interval. It’s really hard to be very impressed with this story as it is just the same as the revelational one before it and the one before that and the one before that… eventually, I suppose, you will be correct at which point you can tell us that you told us so, and maybe that is the whole point.

    Blacklisted Patriot Reply:
    November 4th, 2011 at 11:25 am

    AJ doesn’t really care about any of this stuff; he’s just a capitalist profiteer selling useless “infotainment”.

    He’s a good actor preying off of the insecurity and fear of the sheeple who buy his infotainment — nothing more, nothing less.

    The worst day of his (and his staff’s) life would be for the NWO to no longer exist and for the nation to return to the constitution and rule of law. He would be so sick on that day that he’d be puking up his guts at the prospect of no longer being the self proclaimed conman rock star of the non-existant phony “infowar”.


    Mr. Thrillkill Reply:
    November 4th, 2011 at 11:32 am

    Are you saying that we should all just continue on with business as usual, just go with the flow, and don’t rock the boat ?

    Move on … forge ahead … face new challenges that lie
    ahead ?

    Where’s my golf cart ?

    Peter Wolf Reply:
    November 4th, 2011 at 12:02 pm

    The article is simply reporting on a statement made by Obama.It is not a prediction made by AJ or anyone.

    You are both clearly very stupid.Too lazy and stupid to read the article properly.

    “of the non-existant phony “infowar”.”

    You know or should know that you are talking complete crap.

    No infowar exists ??

    how stupid are you ??

    “The worst day of his (and his staff’s) life would be for the NWO to no longer exist and for the nation to return to the constitution and rule of law.”

    He would probably be celebrating the same way i would be but the downside of that would be what you pissy bitter little trolls are going to do with your lives if that happens.As usual with trolls like yourself you always attack using the capitalist/profiteer/scaremonger tactic and you resent others who provide a service that has to pay for itself.Its very boring and what pisses me off is that you assume that you are so much more intelligent than whoever reads your comment with your talk of “sheeple”.

    I have read quite a few of your comments and they dont amount to very much of any substance.

    Its no surprise that you are a blacklisted patriot either.

    Piss off little troll.The reason that i call you a troll as commentors like you never attack the content of the articles or go into any depth about it as its always character assassinations and criticism about capitalism.

    Go away.

    Mr. Thrillkill Reply:
    November 4th, 2011 at 12:17 pm

    @ Peter Wolf Reply:
    November 4th, 2011 at 12:02 pm

    You said “You are both clearly very stupid.”
    Are you saying that I’m the other troll ?
    I hope not … I sure don’t want to get a reputation for
    being one of them.

    I’m just ole Thrillkill, the one who invented sincere
    sarcasm, as a way of getting my point across.

    Blacklisted Patriot Reply:
    November 4th, 2011 at 12:49 pm

    First of all, you are talking to a GW1 vet here who is also part of a militia inside the USA.

    As of now we are living in a completely controlled facist police state. AJ sells the false hope that somehow the “infowar” can turn things around by waking people up. I ask you this: WHAT CAN THE PEOPLE ACHEIVE BY BEING AWAKE ALONE ? At the same time his website is highly critical of militias and those of us who advocate the use of organized force. He must know that there is ABSOLUTELY NO CHANCE of changing anything any other way, yet he continues to sell infotainment and the false hope that maybe we can turn things around if enough people “wake up”.


    If you cannot provide even one example, then YOU are obviously drinking the PP coolaid and are just a gullible idiot talking nonsense.

    If you believe that there is any chance that the current system can be “changed” via elections, then you are like a silly little school boy who still believes in the tooth fairy. Yet that is EXACTLY the position that AJ company are taking. The reason they take that stance is because to be a true revolutionary (like the forefathers) would bring an abrupt end to the COMFORTABLE LIFESTYLE of being the “infowar” czar. It’s a COMPLETE BS CONMAN SCAM, and if you cannot see it then you are just one of the brain dead sheeple fools living in fairyland.

    It makes no difference whatsoever to the NWO whether or not the public at large is “awake” or “informed”. Why ? Because we are living under a military dictatorship today, the elections are rigged, and the people have no voice whatsoever. They can be “informed” of every scheme the NWO is plotting and has ever plotted in history, and yet IT WONT MAKE ANY DIFFERENCE WHATSOEVER IN THE REAL WORLD.

    Why ? Because in the REAL WORLD they have a gun pointed to your head, they don’t give a goddam rats ass about whether you are “awake” or “informed”, and they will use FORCE to make you submit whether you like it or not.

    So what are YOU (and countless others) going to DO ABOUT IT ? Continue “spreading the word” and being “informed” about the FACT that they 1) don’t care whether you are awake or not 2) have WEAPONS to use against you, even if you attempt to “peacefully resist” 3) are ultimately planning your EXTERMINATION in the “end game” as AJ likes to call it


    You call me a troll, but you better think long and hard about what I’m saying my friend. We are well past the point of the “infowar” these days. Unless you are armed and ready for battle then you are most likely to be exterminated.

    It’s all nic and cozy now sitting in your living room on your computer reading on PP about the “end game” and the NWO’s plans for global domination. Yeah, it’s quite entertaining and seems like some kind of hollywood movie. But when it finally comes to your door, trust me, you won’t have too many jovial feelings of brotherhood about AJ PP anymore. And you wont care that he’s “spreading the word” about your door being kicked in and you and your family being rounded up and sent off to detention camps.

    Yes, there are still REAL MILITIA and REAL REVOLUTIONARIES in this country.

    What AJ talks about is 100% real, yet he will never make the effort to do anything more than PROFIT from it rather than trying to take it head on in an organized fashion. There are at least 1 million former (and some active) military who are ready, willing, and able to attempt a coup to overthrow this lawless, facist, military dictatorship that has taken over our nation and is directed by foreign powers.

    But AJ will have no part of an effort like that, because he is NOT a revolutionary willing to make the necessary sacrifices to defeat this beast. He’s too comfortable and cozy in his role as the “infowarrior”.

    It’s really as simple as that; and if you still think that I am a troll, the go FUCK YOURSELF YOU COOLAID DRINKING PIECE OF SHIT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Anastasya Reply:
    November 4th, 2011 at 2:25 pm

    @Blacklisted Patriot


    …The “Mahatma” led the greatest non-violent revolution in the history of the world.

    Peter Wolf Reply:
    November 4th, 2011 at 2:29 pm

    If you are a GW1 vet doesnt make any difference as i will talk to you the same as anyone else regardless.

    So now i have to reply to all your points that were nothing to do with what i said:

    A lot of that comment doesnt bear any relation to my comment as my point was/is that there is an infowar/information war going on wether its here or the the MSM or anywhere else so you cannot say its non-existent as its absurd.

    Of course it makes a difference if the public at large is informed as it makes the world of difference as you cannot motivate them to firstly admit that there is a problem and act on it if they are uninformed and the system does whatever it can to keep everyone uninformed so i disagree completely with that .The filth in power do care if the public at large are informed and they find an informed public a major problem and they have said so numerous times and its the informed public that will be the catalyst for getting rid of the filth in power.

    The information war is relevent whatever point you are past like if you are in a war the information war continues.As the infowar continues the reaction from the filth in power is increasing overt tyranny.

    Yesterday you had that POS Bernanke stating that there are misconceptions about the FEDRES as they are panicking.You need an informed public and websites such as this to keep increasing the pressure on them more and more and more.

    As for non-violent revolutions or non-violence i never said a thing about that in my comment .

    As for this website i have frequently criticised it here and elsewhere and for very specific reasons i am sceptical of its agenda as it ignores Lawful rebellion/Freeman Of The Land/Sovereign Citizen and doesnt advocate any kind of direct action other than gathering outside the FEDRES and protesting.I have pointed this out lots of times with very little interest from anyone and FYI this is the only kind of non-violent action that would be effective if everyone actually did it in addition to other potentially violent solutions and like yourself i dont see any other solution to fixing the problem.

    I use this website for information and i dont hang on its every word so save your assumptions about drinking PP coolaid for someone else.I dont see AJ as any kind of leader and i dont need someone else to tell me what to do either.I am NOT a member of a cult as you imply so spare your condescending attitude.

    Where else do you get this much information that is all relevent on a daily basis ??

    There isnt really anywhere else and its why you visit and post comments and its why i do the same so just treat it as information as that is the point of it so then you wont be disappointed.Dont look for anything else here as you are looking in the wrong place.

    I get your other points but dont presume that you are telling me anything i dont already know.

    “and if you still think that I am a troll, the go FUCK YOURSELF YOU COOLAID DRINKING PIECE OF SHIT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

    I am so offended after that !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I dont see any need to continue this conversation but your comment that i replied to initially was typical of the kind of comment made by Trolls here that i have seen a 100 times before so if you are not a Troll then obviously i was mistaken.The way that yourself and others who type similar comments think that its only yourself that thinks this and that when you type the comment its like a revelation.

    “AJ profits from this and that and the stupid PP sheeple blah blah blah and AJ laughs all the way to bank….

    You have to run at a profit or else the whole operation would collapse so its obvious that it has to profit from it and other than that i dont know as i dont have access to the accounts or AJs bank statements.

    Peter Wolf Reply:
    November 4th, 2011 at 3:07 pm

    I shouldnt have reacted like that in the first place and i need to stop doing it.

    mpennery Reply:
    November 4th, 2011 at 1:54 pm

    Such anger.
    You expect AJ to inform and to lead the charge? Boy, that’s not too much expectation is it?
    AJ’s job is to inform. Educating himself and others is obviously his gift. As each of us (fortunately) is wired in a unique way to be suited for one task or another, we can’t expect ONE person to educate, inform and then go out and lead the battle. You say it means nothing but I say the more that get informed of what’s going on, the more that will be inspired to take action. For this reason, AJ is performing an incredible service to his country. It takes steel guts to go completely against what almost 100% of the MSM is saying about the world. He’s been sticking his neck out for ridicule for several decades. He IS a revolutionary but revolutionaries aren’t always holding a gun in battle.
    Now, chill out and try to remember we’re all on the same team here. Even if we are just writing and spreading the word, THAT is doing something and it’s better than nothing!


    Lexington, ky

    belloni890 Reply:
    November 4th, 2011 at 4:55 pm

    If I am not mistaken Ive seen AJ at a many MSM sites and rallies etc… so saying Aj doesnt get out and lead the revolt is a misleading statement,
    And why does it have to be AJ to lead the charge when he has been putting out plenty enough info for any militia or otherwise to use for their purpose or reason for their next move.

    Mr. Thrillkill Reply:
    November 4th, 2011 at 12:06 pm

    @ zeroskill says:
    November 4, 2011 at 11:06 am

    “repeated at the same interval”

    Is this in the archives ?

    Peter Wolf Reply:
    November 4th, 2011 at 12:44 pm

    I wasnt referring to you as it was the other two i was talking to.I have a very low tolerance of low intelligence BS and sometimes my patience runs out when i read it.

    @Blacklisted Patriot is the moron who was defending blacbloc anarchists smashing up a wholefood store saying they are the real deal.Such complete bullshit

    Its not like anyone who posts here or contributes to the website has the exact timetable and roadmap for atrtacking Iran.Further to that its the cocksuckers that be that keep on threatening to attack Iran and each time that happens it gets reported here.

    Mr. Thrillkill Reply:
    November 4th, 2011 at 2:13 pm

    Many thanks. Is that the wholefood store in L.A. ?
    As I recall, the store in L.A. was smashed up by regular
    thug cops. Not much difference between a cop and
    corporate sponsored anarchist is there ?

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