Online support ramps up for sisters in limbo

Relatives of four girls who were found on the Sunshine Coast
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Supporters of four sisters fighting to to remain in Australia amid a custody dispute are ramping up efforts to help their cause.

An online petition calling on the Australian government to put a hold on the girls’ passports has so far been signed by more than 3000 supporters.

A Facebook page set up to promote the sisters is urging people to sign up and do all they can to help the girls have their wishes respected.

The sisters, aged between nine and 14, were found by police on Queensland’s Sunshine Coast on Monday night.

They’d gone into hiding to avoid a Family Court order to return to Italy with their father.

The sisters say they want to remain in Australia with their mother.

A Family Court judge last year ruled the girls’ mother had brought the sisters, aged between nine and 14, to Australia without the father’s permission.

The judge says they must return so the custody dispute can be settled by the Italian courts.

The girls’ mother is free to go with them.

Yesterday, the girls’ aunt went to the High Court seeking to overturn the Family Court order.

Authorities have agreed not to act on the order until the High Court can hear arguments about why they should stay in Australia.

The case will be mentioned again in the High Court on Friday.

Barrister Tony Morris QC, for the aunt, told the High Court they would argue current legislation did not allow the children to properly voice their opinions.

They are therefore being denied natural justice, he said.

The girls’ mother has vowed to do all she can to be reunited with her daughters, who remain in the care of Queensland authorities.


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