Premier accuses Star of smear campaign against ex-employee

Facing sexual harrassment claims ... Sid Vaikunta.

Facing sexual harrassment claims … Sid Vaikunta. Photo: Dallas Kilponen

RELATIONS between the NSW government and the Star casino appear to have completely broken down after the Premier, Barry O’Farrell, accused it in Parliament of running a ”smear campaign” to ”blacken the name of a sexual harassment victim”.

Amid growing pressure for a public inquiry into the casino, Mr O’Farrell implied the casino was responsible for the leaks of email and text messages of a former employee who was sacked after making a sexual harassment complaint against its former managing director Sid Vaikunta.

The woman, a former human resources manager, is the partner of Mr O’Farrell’s director of communications, Peter Grimshaw, who has been stood down. The leaks have sought to portray Mr Grimshaw and his partner as having a vendetta against the casino.

We should put to bed the claim ... that the leak of this material was in fact that, a leak,... Barry O'Farrell.

“We should put to bed the claim … that the leak of this material was in fact that, a leak,”… Barry O’Farrell. Photo: Peter Rae

”We should put to bed the claim … that the leak of this material was in fact that, a leak,” Mr O’Farrell said.

The casino has forwarded the messages to the Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority for consideration in its inquiry into the Star.

”That is their right but if they are genuinely claiming that that material was leaked to the media, I have even more concerns about the internal security of the Star,” Mr O’Farrell said.

”At worst it confirms what I think most people believe, and that is that the information was briefed to the media through a public affairs [company] to blacken the name of a victim of sexual harassment.”

It was revealed this week that a public relations firm, John Connolly and Partners, provided information about the company’s reasons for dismissing the woman to a journalist from The Australian.

John Story, the chairman of the casino’s owner, Echo Entertainment, said it ”rejected assertions that the company has acted inappropriately” and that the names of the women who had complained about Mr Vaikunta had not been made public.

A former long-serving manager at the Star who was terminated in January, Elizabeth Ward, said she had already given written evidence to the authority and urged it to hold public hearings.

”If the inquiry is behind closed doors, we will never really know the truth. That’s the culture that’s been bred,” she said.

Mark Findlay, a professor of criminal justice at the University of Sydney, said the historically fraught relations between politicians and gambling interests in NSW meant public hearings were critical if there was to be confidence in the regulatory process.

”The greatest danger is not so much the effectiveness of the regulatory strategy but rather the legitimacy of the regulators’ exercise of power being called into question,” he said.

The authority chairman, Chris Sidoti, defended the conduct of the inquiry, which he said was proceeding ”properly and thoroughly” and would not be influenced by recent revelations or ”diverted by media speculation or political debates”.

He said the authority had the resources to conduct public hearings and would discuss doing so with Gail Furness, SC, who is conducting the inquiry, once she finishes interviewing witnesses in camera.

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