Prime Minister Julia Gillard vows to work hard in Queensland after Labor landslide


Prime Minister Julia Gillard chats with workers at Senor Tech in Coopers Plains. Picture: Mark Calleja
Source: The Sunday Mail (Qld)

Prime Minister Julia Gillard has blamed Labor’s landslide defeat in Queensland on state-based issues.

Ms Gillard, visiting a Brisbane technology company today, said federal Labor would take note and work hard in Queensland before the next federal election in 2013.

Asked why she did not visit Queensland more during the five-week election campaign, the PM said attending the official opening and introducing Anna Bligh was sufficient.

But she promised to make more appearances here in coming months in her bid to beat Tony Abbott and the Opposition at the upcoming poll.

She described a meeting with new Premier Campbell Newman today as “good and constructive” and said they had put political differences aside to discuss investment in infrastructure in Queensland.

The PM said Mr Newman had voiced concern about some issues, but she declined to elaborate.

Ms Gillard revealed she had spoken to Ms Bligh since the election defeat but said the former premier, who quit last Sunday, was now “in a life beyond politics”.

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