Prison inmate charged over 1992 murder


The mystery disappearance of a Melbourne teenager more than 20 years ago has led to a murder charge.

Prudence Bird disappeared from her Glenroy home on February 2, 1992.

After a 20-year investigation into the 13-year-old’s disappearance, Victorian homicide squad detectives on Thursday charged Leslie Camilleri, 42, with one count of murder at a Melbourne correctional facility where he is imprisoned.

He is expected to face the Melbourne Magistrates Court via video link next Wednesday.

The charge comes after the homicide squad applied to the Melbourne Magistrates Court on Wednesday to interview Camilleri in custody.

Detective Sergeant Brett Fisher told the court Camilleri was a suspect in the case and police had identified a second person they believed was involved.

Det Sgt Fisher said the motive of the crime dated back some years and was quite extensive and detailed, so the interview would take some time.

Camilleri, who appeared in court via video link from prison, did not oppose the application.

Magistrate Lance Martin granted detectives an eight-hour interview with Camilleri, which was conducted at the Melbourne Assessment Prison later on Wednesday.

Prue Bird disappeared from her home after her mother Jennifer left her in the care of a friend.

The friend left the house briefly to pack boxes in the garage.

Last Thursday, one day after the 20th anniversary of Prue’s disappearance, her tearful mum begged residents who had lived in Glenroy back then to come forward with information.

“Don’t think about me as a grieving mum,” Jenny Bird said, her voice trembling, her hands wrapped around a framed photo of her missing daughter.

“Look at her,” she said, pointing at the photo.

“She was 13. An innocent little girl that someone has taken and murdered. For nothing.

“Please help. Please come forward. Someone’s got that vital bit of information that we need.”

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