Recovery? Housing says it’s a Hoax

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Greg Hunter
USA Watchdog
March 28, 2012

Watching the financial channels yesterday, I could not tell you how many times the word “recovery” was used.   Sure, the stock market is up, but that is compliments of the Federal Reserve.  Since the 2008 financial meltdown, we’ve had a money printing extravaganza.  There was QE1, QE2, Operation Twist, dollar swaps with Europe and 0% interest rates (on a key rate) through 2014.  Of course the stock market is up, it loves free money.  Wall Street may have recovered, but Main Street is still in the dumper.   (Actually, Wall Street has just broken even since the 57% plunge it took up to March of 2009.)  Professional commodities trader Dan Norcini said, this week, on his blog, “. . . the FED IS TERRIFIED OF RISING INTEREST RATES.” Norcini explains, “. . . the US federal debt is at banana republic levels and any, I repeat, any rise in interest rates, will suck more of the incoming federal revenue into servicing the cost of this debt (paying the interest on it), leaving less for the spendthrift class to buy votes with.  Bernanke and company cannot afford to have a stock market that stops moving higher because if and when it did, the entire facade of an economy on the mend would come crashing down with it.” (Click here to read the complete Trader Dan post.)

The Fed may have juiced the stock market with cheap money and ultra-low interest rates, but the housing market is dead.  According to the latest Case-Shiller Home Index, prices are down—again.  The latest data, released yesterday, reveals prices in 17 of 20 cities surveyed were down.  Atlanta home prices plunged by a whopping 14.8% year-over-year.  The best year-over-year increase was turned in by Detroit, with a paltry 1.7% increase.  According to the Case-Shiller report, “As of January 2012, average home prices across the United States are back to the levels where they were nearly a decade ago – in early 2003. Measured from their June/July 2006 peaks through January 2012, the peak-to-current decline for both the 10-City Composite and 20-City Composite is 34.4%. January’s levels are new lows for both Composites in the current housing cycle.” (Click here for the complete Case-Shiller press release.)

I see no recovery for people on Main Street as far as housing is concerned, and neither does economist John Williams of  His latest report, last week, focused solely on housing and construction.  The first line in his report says it all, “The construction industry remains distressed in the extreme, clobbered by collapsing broad economic activity from 2006 into 2009 and by three subsequent years (and counting) of no recovery—just economic stagnation.” (Click here to go to the home page.) You want to see what construction spending on payrolls looks like on a chart?  Here’s the ugly picture, compliments of

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4 Responses to “Recovery? Housing says it’s a Hoax”

  1. Here’s absolute proof that the stock market is rigged by the elites. When former treasury secratary Hank Paulson demanded Congress pass TARP, the 750 billion dollar bailout of banksters, and Congress basically said NO, Hank and his buds crashed the stock market the following day, down around 900 points if I remember right. Congress reconveined the next day, and presto change-oo TARP passed. Of course each Congressman was bribed 1 million dollars to vote yes. (Ah! You didn’t know that did you, well it’s true). But the point is the stock market is totally rigged, and now with “flash trading” and “supercomputer algorithums” the average Joe doesn’t stand a chance playing the stock market, only the elites win like Goldman Sucks.

  2. Apparently there isn’t digital money floating around the Banks, their gambling habit is about 40 times higher than the yearly US GDP.

    I think QE should be renamed to something like PQE (Perpetual Quantitative Easing). Like ALL Perpetual Motion Machines, they all stop. because you have to put more energy in than the energy you get out. And at the Moment Bernanke keeps pumping in more digital Bernanke bucks than the amount of Bernanke Bucks that come out the other end. So where are all these Bernanke Bucks going to, are they just “Vaporizing” into thin air. Which is kinda ironic, because that’s where they came from in the first place.

  3. Wall Street is broken. Washington is corrupt. And your wealth,
    (what you have now AND whatever you make in the future)…
    It’s under attack. Need proof?
    Tell me — How did you 401K/IRA, mutual funds or stocks do last year?
    Not so good? Or… non-existent returns?

    The top 13 mutual funds based on a CNN survey got 0.25% in 2011 so far.
    Your savings account is paying more… and it’s GUARANTEED interest.
    Something is severely wrong with how you can save, protect and grow
    your money in these economic times. But you can escape this financial mess.

    (click on my profile name to go to my blog)

  4. they said my dad would recover that did not happen. JULY 4 1996

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