Rick Perry Debate Meltdown Could Help Ron Paul

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CNBC pulls post-debate poll to prevent Ron Paul victory

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Thursday, November 10, 2011

Rick Perry’s sensational meltdown during last night’s CNBC debate in Michigan could not only serve to doom his entire presidential campaign, it could also help Ron Paul cement his position as a top tier challenger to Herman Cain and Mitt Romney.

Perry’s embarrassing gaffe, in which he spent minutes stumbling over the name of a government agency he wanted to abolish, has virtually ended any lingering hopes he had of recapturing his early lead that has evaporated swiftly over the last few months.

However, the one man in the best position to take advantage of Perry’s fall from grace is Congressman Ron Paul.

Speaking to Politico following the debate, Ron Paul campaign chairman Jesse Benton said Perry’s implosion could be a blessing in disguise, noting, “we fish from the same pot as Perry sometimes.”

Conservatives fooled by Perry’s down-home good old boy act, when in reality he is a Bilderberg-attending globalist and former campaign manager for Al Gore, may now finally see beyond the contrived image and throw their support behind a real constitutionalist – Congressman Ron Paul.

Observers reacted to Perry’s “oops” moment by broadly agreeing it represented the final nail in his campaign coffin.

“For the first time in this race he looked comfortable and confident in giving answers, but none of that will be remembered. Instead we will remember him searching for words and relying on Ron Paul to bail him out,” Craig Robinson, a conservative blogger told the Washington Post. “The incident is deadly for Perry because it reaffirms people’s fear that he lacks the intellectual capacity necessary to be president of the United States.”

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  • Rick Perry Debate Meltdown Could Help Ron Paul

“He’s finished,” said Mark McKinnon, a GOP strategist. “When they start laughing at you, there is no return.”

“You have to be good at talking if you are the president of the United States of America. You just have to be,” added Republican strategist Ron Bonjean.

Meanwhile, CNBC pulled their post-debate poll for the second time after results indicated Ron Paul would win by a clear margin.

As we have documented before, it seems that a poll is only deemed legitimate by the mainstream media if Ron Paul doesn’t win it. If Paul is successful, the poll is automatically considered null and void.

This is to be expected given the fact that there is an admitted media talking point to ignore Ron Paul’s campaign and try and write him off entirely, despite national polls consistently proving he is a genuine top tier candidate.


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison Planet.com. He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show.

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56 Responses to “Rick Perry Debate Meltdown Could Help Ron Paul”

  1. “Observers reacted to Perry’s “oops” moment by broadly agreeing it represented the final nail in his campaign coffin.”
    Representing the final nail in the Washington/MSM RUSE.

    trick, deception, angle, artifice, booby trap, curveball, game plan, gimmick, hoax, imposture, jig, maneuver, ploy, scenario, sham, shenanigans, shift, stratagem, stunt, subterfuge, bait and switch.

    Engage, Mr. Paul !

    Huggles Reply:
    November 10th, 2011 at 9:30 am


    reconscoutsniper wrote;

    “Eat shit, die. Fuck off, Go play with your “thingy” Swallow my load.
    Wipe my jizz from your worthless dick sucking chin.”

    Consider that. He is writing to a dude, “Wipe my jizz from your worthless dick sucking chin.”

    Who would have thought that but a dirty and disgusting degenerate. What the fuck is he thinking?!!!! How does he know this sort of filth?

    recon also wrote “bromo”, this is short for bromocriptine, a medication for Parkinson. Parkinson is a serious illness. What fuck is wrong with reconscoutsniper?!

    Cock sucking and bromocriptine; reconscoutsniper really has serious habits.

    reconscoutsniper do you take bromocriptine to shoot straight? Did you use this medication to help you get through the SS Basic?

    reconscoutsniper Reply:
    November 10th, 2011 at 10:32 am

    Looks like reconscoutsniper “hit a home run” on naming you for what you are, or, you wouldn’t be so upset.

    Tisk tisk. Anything else? LMAO!!!

    “If the shoe fits……”.


    Quantummonkeybutt Reply:
    November 10th, 2011 at 11:07 am

    Rick Perry Obviously Is A Dopehead POT SMOKER, And Was Probably Hanging Out In The ‘Green’ Room Too Long With The ‘Red Hot Chili Peppers’ Before The Debate…

    (www.) youtube.com/watch?v=Mr_uHJPUlO8

    for bonzo

    Quantummonkeybutt Reply:
    November 10th, 2011 at 11:49 am

    Either That Or Perry Got A “Do-It Yourself Home Administered GARDASIL SHOT” And He’s Experiencing The Side-Effects of MERCURY POISONING!!!


    HIGH BRASS Reply:
    November 10th, 2011 at 11:40 am

    @ Hoggles;

    Sounds like the sniper has your number!! SO why don’t you just eat shit and die and STFU!!

    Huggles Reply:
    November 10th, 2011 at 12:31 pm

    High Brass

    When you lover reconscout said, “Eat shit, die. Fuck off, Go play with your “thingy” Swallow my load. Wipe my jizz from your worthless dick sucking chin.” did you polish his knob clean?

    High Brass and reconscoutsniffer are analist lover boys Deliverance style. Disgusting.

    High Brass, you are the pigman. Squeal boy! LOLOLOLOL!!!!!

    reconscoutsniper Reply:
    November 10th, 2011 at 3:02 pm

    Hey “piles”of huggles, ie “huggles piles” or just “piles”.

    The least you could try and do is to be “original”. Its not funny the second time around. Any “stand up” can tell you that.

    But, just to make you feel better, we’ll give you a hearty “ha ha ha”(sic).

    Next time, put a little more effort into it will ya?!! “Think” New! You know! Think about originality, humor, and combine that with “wit”.

    Oh shit!

    I almost forgot! You dont have any “wit”! You’re “witless”. Damn! Well, just forget about it.

    So, go fuck yourself. Let us know if your piles are still all swollen up … OK? Thats a good boy.

    Just relax now. Take in a few deep breaths and think “good thoughts” LOL!!

    From your “friend and number one fan”… LMAO!


    Huggles Reply:
    November 10th, 2011 at 3:27 pm

    reconscoutsniper you wrote;

    “Eat shit, die. Fuck off, Go play with your “thingy” Swallow my load.
    Wipe my jizz from your worthless dick sucking chin.”

    You are a disgusting pigman Deliverance style; squeal, squeal, squeal….

    What are you thinking to know this crap. What the Hell happened to you in prison recon?

    Vic Reply:
    November 10th, 2011 at 12:04 pm

    OOPs is right Rick Perry. but many knew about it like the rest of the false candidates working hand in hand with the Feds.

    Funny how justice I mean real Universal justice cannot be ignored for ever??????

    the more they ignore the messenger Dr Ron Paul, the more they empower him.

    it’s like a reverse effect of the initial goal of discrediting Dr Paul?

    President Ron Paul does that not sound great?

  2. RON PAUL 2012!!! END THE FED!!!

  3. It tells you it’s the shoulder pads in his cheap shiny suits what got him to melt!

    Matzo Man Reply:
    November 10th, 2011 at 10:27 am

    Maybe they were made in China and not Texas!

  4. This is truly disgusting. A variation of the ‘conspiracy theory’ mode. If you disagree with the official government spin, then it must be called a conspiracy theory. And if Ron Paul wins a ‘survey’ then it must be fixed for Mr. Paul. Actually, this kind of survey has been done for a long time and they are not that scientific, but they are published and they do show level of dedicated support. I suspect the whole process this year. They still are acting like Mr. Cain is a top teir candidate even after his scandal and I have noticed no real evidence anybody supports him. I have heard nobody I know say so, I have seen no Cain bumper stickers, and seen no prominent people announce for him. He is a media creation and the media keep him going as an interesting story. Evidently, being black trumps women rights in our politically correct media. Look what the media did to Joe Paterno and he wasn’t even actually involved in any of the illegal conduct, but only fail to report it.(actually he did report it, but enough times for the suddenly concerned media)

  5. No senseless metaphors please.

    “Observers reacted to Perry’s “oops” moment by broadly agreeing it represented the final nail in his campaign coffin.”
    Representing the final nail in the Washington/MSM RUSE.

    trick, deception, angle, artifice, booby trap, curveball, game plan, gimmick, hoax, imposture, jig, maneuver, ploy, scenario, sham, shenanigans, shift, stratagem, stunt, subterfuge, bait and switch.

    Engage, Mr. Paul !

  6. rick the dick with cocaine eyes

    November 10th, 2011 at 10:02 am


  7. The truth cannot be suppressed even by those who try or are part of that puppet or corrupt ones that try to deny and promote that Ron Paul is not electable.

    I am so happy to see Mr Perry foul up in public like the rest of them when compared to the wisdom of Ron Paul. He may be 76 years old but he speaks the truth and has done so for a long time even though his opposition to war and international government policies are met with this unelectable status mainstream keeps tagging him with.

    People more and more can see the message that carries the messenger Dr Ron Paul.

    Time to back the right candidate and show the rest of the establishment where the people stand.

    Vic Reply:
    November 10th, 2011 at 9:58 am



  9. “You have to be good at talking if you are the president of the United States of America. You just have to be,” added Republican strategist Ron Bonjean.
    Where was this dummy between 2000 and 2008?

  10. my classmate’s sister-in-law makes $77/hour on the computer. She has been fired from work for 6 months but last month her check was $7622 just working on the computer for a few hours. Read about it here Strongrich.com

    reconscoutsniper Reply:
    November 10th, 2011 at 11:47 am

    On line “hookers services” do pay well.


  11. I guess this proves once again that it’s not what you know but who you blow inside the bohemian grove that gets you ahead in life!! Ha Ha! perry you loser! Go rot! Oh it’s wonderful to see one of the elite class screw up on an epic scale like this! Bwah Ha Ha!
    Please God, let Ron Paul be president!

  12. Dr. Ron Paul should be skipper of our boat! We Need Him!!! All the rest are poison; pick one!

    RON PAUL 2012

  13. sure didn’t help him.

  14. When you’re not speaking from the heart,bring a teleprompter dummy!! Ron Paul 2012 !!

  15. Oh?

  16. Rick Perry Debate Meltdown Could Help Ron Paul

    As the so called “leaders” of the GOP “slice and dice” each other, R. Paul shall benefit from this.

    Cain has been “called”, as has Romney, Bachmann, Gingrich, and the rest of the worthless.

    The US is in dire need of having a “real” president that will turn things around that benefit, “We the People”, not the so called elite/NWO. We dont need another empty suit.

    ================== RON PAUL 2012 ============================


  17. Have Google look up “reptoid” then draw your own conclusions. That revelation may well be the final piece to the puzzle and explain why we are in for a brief but hellishly rough ride as a nation. We love you Ron Paul and the principles of Godly wisdom, freedom and justice for which you stand. You and Jesse Ventura are our last mortal hope. You are not alone, however. The Big Man we have called Jesus for 2000 years is riding hard this way. He’ll take the hand off from beleagured Christian patriots and kick more butt than a Georgia mule. Pity the repoids dead and alive for the misery they have inflicted on the human race. Their judgement is at hand. And, pagans and infidels, ridicule believers if you like. That’s still your right but know that your unbelief changes nothing except to put you in the same boat as the reptoids, the “seeds of Satan,” come judgement. Sooner than we think.

    Vic Reply:
    November 10th, 2011 at 10:44 am

    Open your hearts, truth will flow through it. YOu will feel it like we can more and more see it with Dr Ron Paul. He is no puppet, he does not represent the industrial military corrupt part of that org. This said: it does not include those who follow orders. For they are not the planners but the exucutionners. But in the end they have a big say in this matter.

    You either serve GOD the creator who has always said: Thy shall not kill

    or you serve Lucifer the devil and the chaos that it creates?

    Vic Reply:
    November 10th, 2011 at 10:47 am

    We cannot change things we do not control. But what can we change that we have control of? we are not obliged to serve the military if it goes agains;t what the constitution says?That part we control. we do not control the evil plans thought up by evil minds, we can only say NO we won’t harm humanity. This we can control.

    we can also vote for Ron Paul and that message would send shaking shocking vibrations to the NWO chills.

    prisoner Reply:
    November 10th, 2011 at 12:23 pm

    Vic,i am not making fun or teasing.i respect your care of humanity,all life?do you believe in personal security/protection or faith/fate?have you ever had a confrontation with someone who is trying to kill you?have you ever had to make a split decision that had life or death consequences.(any not only firearm)car wreck,drowning fire?i only ask because i do not read the long posts,i struggle with lots of words and numbers all bunched together,(makes my head hurt).if i offend you tell,me to go spit and i will,and not bother you. peace

  18. i am an elected official and a long time supporter of Congressman Paul. Having been both I often see things that others miss when writing an article such as this or when SERIOUSLY commenting on one.

    In this case I would like to point out that the so called “establishment” who do not want Ron Paul to succeed (Media, neocons, the left, etc.) DO NOT need him to quit. They only need him to not place first.

    For the voter: democracy’s goal in an election is to get to choose from available candidates. For the candidate: democracy’s goal is to win. The establishment feels they have already won concerning Ron Paul. They believe they have already convinced the people who are still choosing that Paul is unelectable and therefore on Non-Choice. It is up to us who have already made a choice in this primary to bypass the establishment and take our/his campaign to our sphere of influence – the community around us. We must dedicate ourselves to winning this without them, to winning this door2door.

  19. Can you understand why we should not be surprized that the 2012 elections will be robbed or even not be held? They the evil corrupt criminals in charge right now for who ever they are including reptiles if be?????? they do not want us to wake up and stand up for there plan to invade our planet and enslave us all add to that exterminate so many of us would be jepordised.

    I would not be surprised one bit. The bankters,illuminati org just will fight to there end.

  20. Rick Perry is toast and Cain is not handling the sex allegations well, but it appears that the next maneuver will be to combine Cain and Gingrich on a ticket.

  21. Perry and Cain are toast. Perry fumbles around too much and screw up trying to use Ron Paul’s ideas and Cain is now labeled a sexist and we already went through the “gotta vote in a black man” event. For some reason I don’t see two black guys debating on who is going to run the country. It would just seem as political correctness and the GOP throwing a black man at the other black man. I have more personal reasons related to the Federal Reserve as the only reason I need to not want Cain. Romney comes across better than the two and he’s hesitant to say much at this point and put his foot in his mouth. Gingrich comes across too cold and impersonal to win although he is a very smart guy. I think Ron Paul is the man for the job and the only one up there that truly knows what he is talking about without reading some lines or checking notes. I would like to see Paul and Obama debate toe to toe.

  22. It has been suggested, instead of a debate, we have a memory contest between Herman Cain and Rick Perry to decide which main stream media darling will be our president.

  23. This was on bbc lol, made me laugh

  24. The elections are a scam, are rigged and most everyone here knows it and has said so once or twice. Yet we play their game every four years. Sex scandals, money scandals, you name it scandals.

    I forecast the following. Because none of the jughead republicans have a policy that differs much from Obama, and the fact he is obeying his masters so well, he will most likely win.

    Ron Paul will never get the Republican nomination and if he goes third party they will allow him at most 8-12 percent of the rigged election.

    As for Perry forgetting something,,, How many here have done the same? I have but than I have taken many vaccines possibly loaded with mercury when on active duty. Rick Perry, a Captain in the Air Farce probably took the same vaccines.

    Because someone is ‘human’ and cannot be ‘perfect’ should not be a disqualification. In Perry’s case there are many, many other disqualifying factors than momentarily forgetting something…

    More Prozac please

  25. i would bet he spends more time on his grooming,than three ladies do….

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