Ron Paul? Brokered convention taking shape

Jeffrey Phelps
Denver Conspiracy Examiner
May 12, 2012

New developments are dashing any hopes Romney would escape the RNC unscathed and emerge on the other side as the easy Republican nominee.

Surfacing Thursday was a damaging and revealing run-down of the circumstances revolving around who is and isn’t a “bound” delegate and what may end up being a game changer for Paul.

With 11 states now in the books for Paul, to Romney’s 18 and only 11 states left to start their primary or caucus process, Ron Paul has seemingly stolen enough delegates in the undecided states and will likely gain enough in states to come, virtually assuring a brokered convention at the RNC in August.

In addition to developments stating there may not actually be such thing as a “bound” delegate at the national level after all, Ron Paul may actually be truly nipping at Romney’s heels, despite recent establishment media reports that state otherwise.


Attorneys for the RNC have clearly stated the Republican and Democratic parties are, in essence, non-binding, non-governmental private clubs and do not hold any weight with regard to actual GOP election laws and the ‘official’ caucus that takes place at the RNC, every 4 years.

According to, Jenneifer Sheehan, Legal Counsel for the RNC, plainly stated in a 2008 letter to Nancy Lord, Utah National Committeewoman, several weeks before the convention,

“The RNC does not recognize a state’s binding of national delegates, but considers each delegate a ‘free agent’ who can vote for whoever they choose.

The national convention allows delegates to vote for the individual of their choice, regardless of whether the person’s name is officially placed into the nomination or not.”

Read full analysis at the Examiner

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15 Responses to “Ron Paul? Brokered convention taking shape”

  1. The “inside” republicans are saying that if a brokered convention occurs, that Jeb Bush will be the anointed one.

    Don’t fall for that. Using Jeb Bush as a threat is nothing more than fear mongering. A Bush will never again hold that office as both Bush’s were failures and the whole family is a curse on the nation. But then again…….maybe we deserve another Bush and not Ron Paul. After all, this nation loves killing babies. It loves it socialism. It loves unending wars. It loves the FED. It must as we keep voting the same people in again and again that supports these things.

    But don’t give up as resistance to tyranny is obedience to GOD. A patriot is one who protects his country against its government.

    Ron Paul / Andrew Napolitano 2012…..and no one else.

  2. ____ Voor diegenen die niet geloven dat er een plan is voor een WERELD OVERHEID (dit om een populatie reductie beleid in te voeren), hier is een verzameling: ____

    ____ For those that do not believe there is a plan for a WORLD GOVERNMENT (this to implement population reduction policies), here is a collection: ____


    A list of members from governments around the world (in total 832, and others) that supports a UN-Centered WORLD PARLIAMENT (ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT / ONE WORLD ORDER), selectable per country:



    Show the above to your family,friends.. Post the link on youtube,…

  3. Me thinks that Ron has been very quiet about his plans. The media ignores him and every time someone like AJ suggests election fraud running ramped, the RP camp remains silent. I have an idea that RP has a big-ass strategic “bomb” he plans to let lose at the convention.

    Sadly, now that we know George Soros’ Spain based company will be counting the votes in November, you can expect Obozo will be re-elected. The electoral process will never be fair and true, till we go back to paper ballots, complete with “hanging chads” and “pregnant chads” and all the inconvenience that goes with paper ballots. I really don’t care if we all had to wait 24 hours for a complete count and a TOTAL news black out of any reports till all the ballots have been counted. Naturally, this will never happen…

  4. On 05/25/2012, Ron Paul Supporters across America should gather together to discuss the idea of Dr. Paul running on an independent platform and brainstorm a clever strategy on how to launch a parallel campaign in the event he is denied the opportunity of becoming the Republican presidential candidate. The end goal is witnessing Congressman Ron Paul announcing his presidential bid as an independent the same day America celebrates Constitution day: September 17th, 2012.

    A very interesting video clip indeed.

  5. How about this?..C/P: { Alex: will you discuss how electoral fraud seems to have been used to skew election results?.
    Example: { Stephen Spoonamore, cybersecurity expert and former CEO of Cybrinth cyber security company, stated that he considers computer voting to be a major security risk for America because of the ease with which it can be tampered with } … I think, If we want to help, we have to talk about this….My opinion..
    Es necesario mantener un dialogo aquí en este rincón informativo al respecto,de todo el “FRAUDE” que se lleva a cabo…Gracias

    nwokilla says:
    May 3, 2012 at 4:28 am

    So true. Electronic voting machines are the biggest threat to our democracy to date. Whats the point in voting if it’s not going to be counted. This is definitely an issue that all political affiliations can relate to.
    Sometimes I have to question whether Alex actually cares about taking the NWO down. He’ll fill this site up with nonsense, irrelavent articles, but skip over some of the issues that are the most winnable and important. Definitely makes u wonder about him…Any one care to comment?…

    May 5, 2012 at 7:27 am


    Ann Onymous says:
    May 6, 2012 at 3:45 pm

    We can see clearly on this Video that your approach to call “FRAUD” is the right way to go….

    Estamos viendo en el Video algo muy interesante, no solo se muestra el “FRAUDE”, sino también, el que lo comete…Esta, es la batalla por la Democracia…Gracias


  6. Hi All infowarriors

    Just donated what I could afford to RP2012, must say, I was not happy when Ron jumped out of race in 2008, especially when he said he’s go all the way, I do understand it…but it left a bad taste for sure, knowing what we know about politicians…

    Clearly he has the background and track record that beats all others, constitutionally speaking.

    This going after the delegates has been a genius move and NOW is the time for all of us to get active, we know what were up against, but we can not abandon the good fight….if we stay tough, The Rebuplican Convention will become a complete madhouse….lets see how media will deal with it…

  7. This is literally a revolution and the media ignores what is going on!!! This is the peaceful Revolution!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. The more the blackout what is going on the bigger it gets and if and when they lift the blackout it will even get bigger. Camera’s Camer’s Camera’s everywhere, they system is scared and are capable of anything, record everything at these events. GO RON PAUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Ron Paul is big in Europe where I live. People here respond to his message of freedom and liberty. He is the biggest thing to hit Europe since WWII. Everyone here knows 9/11 was an inside job and they are sick of the euro. We in Europe support Ron Paul. We want our freedom.

    • I have to say that Ron Paul is BIG amongst the students in Berlin. Obama is a sell-out to them with his wars and all the refugees comming here having to leave their homes and families.

    • Yes Hammer, Europe is wide awake and totally supports Ron Paul. I just heard from a friend of mine in the USA and he claims that Amwrians are finally waking up en mass now. They know the media are lying about everything, that the Banksters are committing serious Fraud on a daily basis, that Congress is corrupt. They need Ron Paul, we all hope he makes it to claim the presidency. He is the only one who can save America now.

  10. Hey Romney supporters! NEE NER NEE NER NEE NER!!!!!


    Dear Alex, because you say the “Elites” watch you and because you and people you know may have access to the “Elites” with the power to start and stop wars, I want to meet with you when you come to Chicago for the NATO Summit. Email me from the email I gave with the “Jesus wept” moniker.

    You claim to “KNOW” there is a God. You claim to have had “spiritual experiences”. Well, if you truly believe what you claim, then recognize that I also have had spiritual experiences. And when you come to Chicago and meet with me I believe it is highly likely that God will show you a sign while you are in my presence.

    And it is my hope that, if the “Elites” watch you in Chicago then they will also see the message I have to say to the very top “Elites”.

    I have already posted on these boards about spreading the word of a “warning dream from Jesus” I had which said “For every 5,000 Christian Martyr’s killed, a city shall be destroyed. The First, Pittsburgh.”

    Using the Bible Code computer program, it suggested April 20th was a likely date or sometime through the sign of Taurus (April 20-May 20). I have now discovered May 20 is a solar eclipse. And I believe a “plague” will be involved, which may take time to develop before you realize when it actually happened.

    On youtube I have posted “4/25/2012 The Baby and the Dying Puppy Dream” (11 min. you MUST read the description) on April 25, 2012. I believe it is the 2nd possible “prophetic” dream I’ve ever had. The first being the Jesus warning dream on Oct. 13, 2011.

    I believe this dream is actually a representation of the “Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse”! The dog represents war and plague. The Red and Pale Horses. This says to me we are on the brink of this coming to pass. The “Elites” need to be warned to “change” immediately to start loving Mankind instead of trying to destroy it, or else the Tribulation and Judgement Day is at the door.

    Then on April 29, 2012 I by accident saw an episode of the Simpsons, Season 23, Episode 19 “A Totally Fun Thing That Bart Will Never Do Again” which can now be watched on Hulu for free for a short time. If you believe that insiders at some TV shows tell you of future events then you need to watch this show.

    The show opens with no pictures, just words representing the pictures as if to tell you to look for hidden meanings. Bart’s alarm goes off at 7:00 and he says “Monday, here we go again”. Then you’ll see a calendar on the refrigerator with no month or year! The only month matching the days is November 2012. It is off one day from June though. Then Homer is reading a magazine that is a JULY issue.

    Bart has seen an ad for a cruise ship that is described as “heaven on Earth”. People are whisked away to the “Royal Valhalla” by rainbows,as if “raptured”. A priest is singing on a stage with a clock that says around 7:10 and there is a sign on stage that says something like “a taste of poison in paradise”. Bart sells all he has to buy a ticket and Homer goes to the empty room and says, “Bart has been raptured!”

    The family goes on the cruise and then Bart after hearing a song called “Enjoy it while it lasts” because life is all downhill after this cruise, decides to use a DVD to announce a “fake” WORLDWIDE PANDEMIC has occurred, then he cuts the ships communications. Lisa has joined a group on the ship called the “Elites” and marvels that there are two people in wheelchairs (Polio?). A stage play says the “Elites” must rule over the Humans.

    Bart is found out and confesses and the family is dropped off at the South pole at a research center. The family observes penguins and wonders about the futile lives of the penguins, they just eat, have sex, have babies and die, over and over. Why do they even bother to live? Then the family slides downhill in the snow. Then we see pictures of the rest of Bart’s life and in each one he’s sliding downhill. Then we see Bart in a hospital and says the cruise was the best week of his life and then he dies.

    This episode could mean a worldwide pandemic, real or fake, is possibly planned for JULY 2012 or NOVEMBER 2012. But not only that. The idea is expressed that the RAPTURE could occur as well.

    Recent Bible Code Matrices suggest that the RAPTURE might happen soon. I had thought 2040 could be when something happens. But more and more, it could be a lot sooner. Like by May 20. Or maybe September. Thinking about Pittsburgh, it may be, that if and when something happens to Pittsburgh, the RAPTURE occurs at the same time!

    Dec. 8 9, 2011, Pastor Lindsey Williams said on the Alex Jones show that in 2012 there will be “DIVINE MANIFESTATIONS FROM GOD”, the likes of which, have not been seen for 2000 YEARS and that some of the “Elites” know this and that there is an “Elite” thinktank that is predicting this.

    So, it seems the world is on the brink. I would like Alex Jones to help me contact these “Elites” and let them know they must turn back now or face God’s Judgement. Because once the Tribulation starts I’m not sure it can be stopped.

    So, Alex contact me and come and see what God will show you! Before it’s too late!

    Sincerely, Jimmy

  12. It is amazing how the media just ignores the coverage of the facts. Go Dr. Paul! Ron Paul 2012.

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