Seven dead in Oakland school shooting

“Ten people were injured during this morning’s shooting, 7 of which are fatalities,” Cynthia Perkins, a spokeswoman for the Oakland Police Department, said in a statement.

According to police reports, the shooting happened Monday morning when a gunman opened fire on students in a nursing class at Oikos University.

There was no immediate information on the identities or ages of the victims.

Police surrounded the building and SWAT teams searched hallways and classrooms for victims and other potential threats.

The shooter, believed to be a middle-aged man of Asian origin, was reportedly detained hours later at a shopping center in the nearby city of Alameda.

Authorities said they believed the man acted alone, though they have not discussed a possible motive for the shooting.

Monday’s incident came just over a month after a student gunman in Ohio opened fire in a high school cafeteria, killing three students in the deadliest shooting rampage at a US high school in six years.

Oakland is known for its high crime and murder rate, though such acts are commonly associated with the drug-trade and gangland activity.


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