Severe thunderstorms to lash parts of NSW

Severe thunderstorms are expected to lash much of NSW, with rain, hail and wind set to push out Christmas Day’s sunny weather.

In Sydney the sunny skies experienced on Christmas Day are expected to dwindle with a 90 per cent chance of rain predicted for Monday, and between three to 10mm is likely to fall.

Scattered showers and isolated thunderstorms are expected to develop from midday, with northeasterly winds averaging up to 20km/h in the west and 30km/h near the coast.

Later in the evening a gusty southerly change is forecast, with winds reaching 40km/h near the coast.

Hazardous surf conditions are also forecast for the Sydney region.

Large hailstones, very heavy rainfall, flash flooding and damaging winds have been warned for Sunday overnight in places including Orange, Dubbo, Wagga Wagga, Albury, Deniliquin and Cobar.

The warning was issued for the Riverina, Lower Western, Snowy Mountains and parts of the Illawarra, South Coast, Central Tablelands, Southern Tablelands, Central West Slopes and Plains, South West Slopes and Upper Western Forecast Districts.

The Bureau of Meteorology said that warnings for the ACT were cancelled.

It comes after hailstones the size of lemons ripped through skylights, windows and roof tiles in Melbourne’s west on Christmas Day.

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