Sex, kids and advertising

Roger David was asked to withdraw this advertisement.

Roger David was asked to withdraw this advertisement.

Pressure is mounting for tougher regulation of the advertising industry after widespread criticism of several ads aimed at young girls that some say are no less than corporate paedophilia.

SPREAD before you in a page-length photo is a pretty girl of uncertain age seated on the floor, her legs apart under a pastel party dress, a large flower-shaped bottle held close to her crotch. In another advertisement is a jumble of kids, fully dressed, mucking about and happily eating ice-cream.

Which of these advertisements was banned? The second – for Paddle Pop ice-creams.

That complaints about the first ad – for Marc Jacobs’ Oh, Lola! perfume – were dismissed by Australia’s advertising watchdog late last year, while the seemingly innocuous ice-cream ad was condemned because it failed to encourage good eating habits, has fuelled frustration with the advertising industry and the regulations that govern it.

This Oh, Lola! perfume advertisement, featuring Dakota Fanning, was banned in Britain but not Australia.

This Oh, Lola! perfume advertisement, featuring Dakota Fanning, was banned in Britain but not Australia.

On one side are those who believe that advertising self-regulation has resulted in an inconsistent regime that is weakly enforced and ultimately fails to protect children. On the other are those who say enforceable regulations will be costly and ineffective, and are unnecessary.

The Oh, Lola! ad, featuring the winsome actress Dakota Fanning – with not-so-subtle references to the notorious story of a middle-aged man’s sexual relationship with a young girl in Vladimir Nabokov’s Lolita – was banned in Britain.

But in Australia, the Advertising Standards Bureau found it ”was not an image that sexualises young women”.

Anti-sexploitation movement Collective Shout called for boycotts of Supre after the company released T-shirts such as the one above.

Anti-sexploitation movement Collective Shout called for boycotts of Supre after the company released T-shirts such as the one above.

That decision and the bureau’s ban on the Paddle Pop ad were among the issues thrashed out at a recent conference in Melbourne where debate focused on the corporatisation and sexualisation of children in advertising campaigns and how to regulate this area – or, indeed, whether it should be regulated.

Several incidents in Australia have sparked huge outcries, with critics coining the term ”corporate paedophilia” for ads that, in their view, veer close to being sexually exploitative.

While ”tween” fashion is a fast-growing market, many are alarmed by the ad campaigns designed by some chains to push their clothes to pre-pubescents.

Diva was also targeted by Collective Shout for its range of Playboy jewellery aimed at children.

Diva was also targeted by Collective Shout for its range of Playboy jewellery aimed at children.

Anti-”sexploitation” movement Collective Shout, in its ”Cross ‘Em Off Your List” campaign, organised a boycott of the tween jewellery store Diva for selling Playboy-branded jewellery alongside Winnie the Pooh and Disney Princess products.

Other offenders on Collective Shout’s list include Bras N Things, for using the Playboy brand and selling a ”teacher’s pet” dress-up outfit, and teen fashion favourite Supre, for ad campaigns that include an image of a topless young woman and T-shirts brandishing slogans such as ”Santa’s Bitch” and ”Pussy Power”.

The Cotton On chain was the target of a consumer boycott over a children’s range that featured slogans such as ”The condom broke” and ”I’m living proof my mum is easy”.

And Roger David attracted howls of protest for a campaign that depicted a teenage girl with the word ”slave” on her bare shoulder and her mouth stuffed with a Union Jack disc.

The Advertising Standards Bureau asked the menswear chain to withdraw the ad.

Professor Elizabeth Handsley, head of the Australian Council on Children and the Media, argues that advertisers are increasingly targeting children with the kinds of messages they have been selling to adult women.

”This sort of marketing is telling children that you have to look a certain way … you need to own and use certain products in order to be happy and successful. And quite often those products are things that we do normally associate with women and their attempts to be sexy for men – things like make-up and clothes and high heels – that are creeping into childhood,” she says.

In some cases the messages are less obvious than those in advertising for adults and pre-teens. The Witchery women’s clothing chain this year launched a range for girls aged eight to 14. That it chose Valentine’s Day for the launch upset many, who argued that eight-year-old girls did not need to be trained to attract men’s romantic approval.

At present, complaints about ads go to the Advertising Standards Bureau, which considers each case by reference to a code of ethics. The code deems that the implication of sexual appeal in any image of a child ”will always be regarded as exploitative and degrading”.

Critics say this does not go far enough, and allows too many ads to slip through the net. And the bureau’s decisions are not binding – advertisers are asked to modify or withdraw ads deemed to breach the code. An increasing number of parent groups want tougher and binding regulations. Among them are Collective Shout and Kids Free 2 Be Kids, which target products and marketing that sexualise children; the Parents’ Jury, which lobbies against junk food; and the Obesity Policy Coalition.

While there is loud outcry over ads that depict young girls in supermodel poses or pushing risque clothes more suited to an older demographic, many advocates believe that the emphasis should be just as firmly on inappropriate eating habits and health.

The Paddle Pop ad was the first to be banned by the Advertising Standards Bureau under a section of the Responsible Children’s Marketing Initiative, which allows the regulator to ask that an ad be removed or changed if it fails to encourage good eating habits or physical activity.

While the intention is to protect children from being bombarded with ads for fattening or inappropriate food and drinks, figures released recently by the Cancer Council suggest plenty of ads for junk food are slipping through the regulatory net.

According to the Fat Free TV Guide website, launched by the Cancer Council last month, children watching Saturday afternoon football are bombarded by more junk-food ads than during any other timeslot. And in a six-hour timeslot, the three unhealthiest shows pelted kids with 26 ads for high-energy drinks, fast-food chains and chocolate.

Yet under the various codes of conduct and standards governing the advertising industry, there is nothing wrong with this.

Public health advocate Professor Rob Moodie is among those calling for governments to force the advertising industry into compulsory regulation. Self-regulation, he says, has clearly failed and co-regulation is the next logical step.

”Advertising for this kind of thing [junk food] has become such an insidious part of ours and our children’s lives. They have normalised junk food, normalised junk drinks. There is huge support from parents to do something about this but governments of all persuasions seem to find it too hard.”

Moodie says governments face a fierce battle against the food and drink lobby, as well as the advertising industry. ”Long ago we had the Marlboro Man. These [junk food] companies might not be using tobacco, but they are using the same techniques.”

Moodie also believes that, to be effective, any regulation must extend to such subtle marketing tools as sponsorship of children’s sports, online games linked to merchandise and the increasing use of social media in marketing to children.

These days, when almost no one under 30 watches just one screen at a time, restricting advertising during the prescribed children’s television hours would be about as useful as telling children to just turn off the box.

Jane Caro, a lecturer in advertising at the University of Western Sydney and freelance ad writer, cautiously accepts the need to regulate the advertising of food to children, but warns it cannot be a big-stick approach and nor should advertising be alone in the firing line.

Citing campaigns against smoking and drink-driving, Caro says behaviours only change if people are given more of a push than limiting the enticement of advertising – for example, using breathalysers to attack drink-driving.

”You can change attitudes – changing attitudes is easy – but changing people’s behaviour is much harder. The place to start with junk food is labelling,” she says.

”When it comes to health concerns like obesity, we need to look at packaging, at labelling the percentage of fat. Advertising is an easy target to beat but it’s so much more complicated than advertising.”

The Australian Communications and Media Authority, the government’s regulator of broadcast media, late last year wound up a two-year review of the voluntary codes surrounding the marketing of food and drink to children, concluding that the industry had failed to make any genuine improvements either to the amount of junk food ads children are watching or the level of public concern about this issue since the codes were introduced in 2009.

The authority has called for the thorny issue to be tackled by the new National Preventive Health Agency, which will review advertising to children across all media platforms. The agency’s report is due later this year.

THE new head of the National Preventive Health Agency, Louise Sylvan, says the critical issues to be investigated are: ”What children are exposed to overall in terms of advertising and what this means for their perception of what is healthy food.”

It is clear there is a groundswell of support to tackle the flaws in marketing to children, but any moves to increase regulation of advertising will face a mighty battle. When the peak bodies of the marketing and advertising industries announced a newly united front in late 2010, one of their first priorities was to lobby against wider or tougher regulations.

The Australian Council on Children and the Media’s Elizabeth Handsley has proposed a children’s consumer law, protecting their rights by putting the onus on advertisers not to engage in harmful or deceptive practices. Such a law would likely be enforced by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission.

”It’s advocating a shift in the paradigm to look at it from the consumer point of view. Any kind of hard sell aimed at children is wrong, because they don’t have the same capacity as adults to be as sceptical, to apply that filter,” she says.

But this would require a shift in the role of the ACCC, which rarely gets involved in food marketing. Commissioner Sarah Court says the commission does have a role in investigating claims made in junk-food advertising, but this depends on the nature of the claims and whether or not they are found to be misleading.

Moodie says change will only be achieved if parents keep up the pressure on advertisers and politicians, backed by credible organisations such as the Cancer Council.

”This is about defending the health of our children. We are not adequately doing that – in fact they are not being protected, they are being exploited.”

Clare Kermond is marketing editor.

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