‘Sexist cabinet reshuffle forces women to bottom of the ‘power list’, with Theresa May highest at only sixth

18:46 EST, 15 September 2012


18:46 EST, 15 September 2012

The row over David Cameron’s ‘sexist’ Cabinet reshuffle was revived last night with the release of the official ministerial pecking order.

The ‘power list’, ranking the 22 members of the Cabinet, reveals that two out of the four women are among the bottom three positions. 

Only Welsh Secretary David Jones – who comes last, and was appointed from a tiny pool of Welsh Tories – has been placed lower than Northern Ireland Secretary Theresa Villiers (21st) and Culture Secretary Maria Miller (20th).   

Boys' club? David Cameron's reshuffled cabinet has too few women, say critics

Boys’ club? David Cameron’s reshuffled cabinet has too few women, say critics

The revelation follows criticism that the Prime Minister did not promote enough women to the top ranks in this month’s reshuffle.

The list is significant because convention holds that if inter-departmental discussions are being held, the lowest-ranked Ministers must visit the offices of those higher up the list.

Lonely at the top: Home Secretary Theresa May, picture here addressing a police conference last week, is one of a declining number of women in top government roles

Lonely at the top: Home Secretary Theresa May, picture here addressing a police conference last week, is one of a declining number of women in the most senior government roles

It means that, unless they are meeting Mr Jones, the two women will be forced to trudge around Whitehall to hold their meetings.

Home Secretary Theresa May is the highest placed woman in the list, at number six, while International Development Secretary Justine Greening – who was angry about being moved from Transport – is 16th. The pecking order is keenly scrutinised by Ministers, who have been known to beg a Prime Minister not to place them below arch-rivals.

Chief Secretary to the Treasury Danny Alexander is ranked fifth – an astonishingly powerful position for a politician who was working as a press officer for the Cairngorms National Park in 2005.

Mr Alexander’s ranking means most other Ministers will have to visit his office for discussions about public spending decisions.

George Osborne is fourth, which  is low by historical standards. Chancellors are usually ranked second or third and it is surprising that Foreign Secretary William Hague ranks higher – in third place.

The No 2 slot is, of course, taken by Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg.

Below the great offices of state,
Kenneth Clarke’s demotion to Minister Without Portfolio makes him the
biggest faller compared with the pre-reshuffle list, dropping 17 places
from sixth to 23rd – the first place outside the full Cabinet. Clarke’s
replacement as Justice Secretary, Chris Grayling, is the highest new
entrant, at ten, while Grayling’s fellow Right-winger, Environment
Secretary Owen Paterson, is also up, rising five places to 15th. Other
big climbers include Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt, up six places to 13.

Danny Alexander

Rt Hon George Osborne MP

The ‘power list’ is good news for Danny Alexander, ranked fifth after a rapid rise, but as chancellor George Osborne would have expected a higher ranking than fourth

Defence Secretary Philip Hammond is seventh – a significant change from Gordon Brown’s government, when his Defence Secretary Bob Ainsworth was a lowly 21st. Andrew Lansley, axed as Health Secretary, falls 11 places to 24th to become Leader of the Commons – commonly seen as ‘the exit door’.

Under Mr Cameron, the rankings have assumed a more traditional pattern than under Gordon Brown, with the highest-ranking ministers usually those holding the great offices of state.

During Mr Brown’s era, Peter Mandelson as Business Secretary successfully negotiated third place – leap-frogging Chancellor Alistair Darling (fourth) and Foreign Secretary David Miliband (fifth).

Mr Cameron defended his reshuffle against charges of sexism by arguing that there were ‘as many [women] today as there were before . . . two very talented women left the Cabinet, and two very talented women joined the Cabinet. I inherited a party with only 19 women MPs. There are now around 50.’

It was also claimed – although Mr Cameron denied it – that two women who lost their jobs, former Welsh Secretary Cheryl Gillan and ex-Environment Secretary Caroline Spelman, were reduced to tears by his actions.


The comments below have been moderated in advance.

Because they are ALL USELESS.


16/9/2012 08:20

Now we just need to get rid of the traitorous Liberals and we’ll be making real progress…

K Sera

16/9/2012 08:19

Love the outcry over the reshuffle. Cameron got himself into this mess of his own making when he decided that we must have quotas of women as candidates and now in the cabinet. When it dawned on him that this only works if you have people of ability he had to offload a few of the less able ones.

The problem was that the least able was one of his top ministers and so we are stuck with her until such time as he promotes Micky Gove to do to law and order what he is doing to education. Heaven help us.

John Bull

16/9/2012 08:16

Just a bunch of incompetent egocentric’s.


16/9/2012 08:11

How about those who merit the job get the top places. Margaret Thatcher did it. Perhaps that shows the difference between her and the women trying to get power today. Maggie did it on her own merit – today’s excuses expect equality laws to come to their rescue.

Andy M

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom,
16/9/2012 08:06

can people stop whining on about there not being enough women doing such an such jobs and just GET ON WITH IT!


16/9/2012 08:04

Your government seems to have a lot in common with Junior High School.


Palm Springs,
16/9/2012 08:03

What is important is getting the best person for the job so that we get the best results, not what sex or religion people ar. As I once read ‘as you go through life keep you eye on the donut and not the hole’ made sense to me!!!!!


Nottingham, United Kingdom,
16/9/2012 08:02

The majority of normal people in the UK have no problem with female chief executives in any type of organisation provided they are the best candidate. However for years now we have seen a procession of failing public bodies, Qangos Local Authorities and Government Departments with female bosses. This tends not to happen in the private sector where profits and innovation still require the best leaders.


Gtr Manchester,
16/9/2012 08:02

Of course they should all be ranked equally and concentrate on working for us rather than looking after their own ego fuelled ,over inflated selves.

Juan Cornetto

16/9/2012 08:00

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