Spectators go hungry at Olympics event

On July 28, spectators for the 2012 London Olympic Games missed key moments at the equestrian event as they were forced to wait in long queues over lunchtime.

Many visitors chose not to bring food to the Olympics site because they were under the impression that bringing food in would be prohibited.

Tim Hadaway, the London 2012 equestrian sports manager, said he would have a “thorough debrief” with his staff members about the issues relating to catering.

“We’ve been queuing for more than an hour. My friend’s vegetarian and there’s nothing for her to eat. We were in another queue but when we got to the front, they had run out of food,” said Debbie Pearce, a 50 year old from Greenwich.

“Nobody’s brought anything in because we didn’t think you were allowed to. We’ve paid to come and see the event, not queue for food.”

Another spectator criticized the quality of the food being sold apart from the shortfall of supplies at the Games, saying, “There’s just not enough; it doesn’t seem adequate what they have for the crowds. We don’t know what this stall is selling because they’re just making things ad hoc, whatever they can find.”


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