Suspicious gunshot death in the Isa

The man staggered into the Mount Isa hospital around 9:30 PM last night with a gunshot wound to the chest.

He died early this morning.

Sergeant Glen Arrold says investigations are underway but details are sketchy about how the man was shot.

“At this point in time we are withholding that type of information; we are still going through the initial stages in the investigation.

“We’ll be making further releases either during the day or tomorrow morning.

“We have a major investigation room now started at the Mount Isa police station and we have almost all our detectives in there working at the moment in relation to this.”

He said he doesn’t like seeing this type of suspicious death in the community, but doesn’t want to draw any assumptions.

Anyone with information which could assist police with their investigations should contact Crime Stoppers anonymously via 1800 333 000 or online at 24 hours a day.

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