Swedish min. quits over Saudi arms deal

“I have today, upon request from Sten Tolgfors, decided to relieve him (of his duties),” Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt, who heads the country’s center-right government, said in a news conference on Thursday.

Reinfeldt added that Tolgfors had begun hinting months ago he wanted to leave soon, but acknowledged that media focus on the ongoing scandal had hastened his exit, AFP reported.

“The probe and the questions around this issue will continue…and that is of course a good thing,” Reinfeldt said.

The premier stated that Tolgfors would maintain his seat in parliament while Infrastructure Minister Catharina Elmsaeter-Svaerd temporarily takes over the defense portfolio.

Earlier this month, Sweden’s public radio said the Defence Research Agency (FOI) had secret plans since 2007 to help Saudi Arabia build a plant for the production of anti-tank weapons.

The radio added that part of the so-called Project Simoom involved the creation of a shell company called SSTI to handle dealings with Saudi Arabia, in order to avoid any direct links to FOI and the government.

Sweden has in the past sold weapons to Saudi Arabia, but classified government documents state that Project Simoom “pushes the boundaries of what is possible for a Swedish authority,” the radio said when it broke the story on March 6.

Tolgfors admitted on March 9 that he knew of FOI’s plans to help Riyadh build the factory and of the shell company, but has stressed that no Swedish laws had been broken — something he also reiterated Thursday.

“I had planned to leave in a few months but it came now instead,” he added.

Last year, Sweden exported defense material worth a total of 13.9 billion kronor (USD 2.05 billion), and Saudi Arabia was the second-biggest buyer.


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