Posts Tagged ‘Ben-Gurion’

Words of inspiration from Dr. Duke and the music of Malukah

Today Dr. Duke quoted Ben Gurion, the founding Prime Minister of Israel, asserting is faith in Jewish racial superiority. While America’s Jewish cultural elite has done everything within its power to brainwash European Americans into self-loathing, Dr. Duke ticked off an amazing list of achievements that should make any European proud of his or her heritage. […]

Israel’s new government “partly ridiculous, partly terrifying”

By Uri Avnery The battle is over. The dust has settled. A new government – partly ridiculous, partly terrifying – has been installed. It is time to take stock. The net result is that Israel has given up all pretence of desiring peace and that Israeli democracy has suffered a blow from which it may […]

A BBC Documentary on Vanunu Exposes Who Controls the Media in America

By Bob Johnson A British Broadcasting Corporation documentary on Mordechai Vanunu, the man who exposed the reality of Israel’s nuclear weapons programs and the stockpile of nuclear bombs it churns out, has brought to light a very critically important fact which sheds much needed light on who controls the American media. Israel’s Secret Weapon YouTube […]

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