Posts Tagged ‘countermeasure’

Tennessee’s bold move: Arming educators as a countermeasure to rising school shootings

The Tennessee Senate’s recent partisan vote to advance legislation allowing educators to carry concealed firearms has ignited a firestorm of controversy. This decision comes on the heels of a harrowing incident at Nashville’s Covenant School, where a community was shattered by gun violence. The proposed bill has galvanized gun control advocates, educators, and families, catalyzing […]

Putin Signs Countermeasure Decree Limiting Russian Exports After Biden’s Russian Oil Import Ban

Russia’s RIA news agency is reporting that the new decree blocks all exports and raw materials from Russia “of certain materials” – with state media reports noting the specific list will be made public in two days. Details remain vague and murky, with the below rush machine translation of the RIA story reading as follows… […]

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