Posts Tagged ‘extremism’

Israeli extremism takes more victims

  Press TV October 10, 2011 On Sunday, dozens of armed Israeli settlers attacked some 50 farmers as they were trying to harvest their olive produce in the city of Nablus in northwestern West Bank, AFP reported. The Palestinian farmers fought back, but were later outnumbered with more and more Jewish settlers coming to reinforce […]

“War and Shopping” amidst a World in Crisis: The Extremism that Never Speaks its Name

  John PilgerGlobal Research September 22, 2011 Looking for a bookshop that was no longer there, I walked instead into a labyrinth designed as a trap. Leaving became an allusion, rather like Alice once she had stepped through the Looking Glass. Walls of glass curved into concentric circles as one “store” merged into another: Armani […]

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