Posts Tagged ‘koenig’

Geopolitical analyst Peter Koenig believes the human brain is the battlefield of the future

(NaturalNews) Peter Koenig, a geopolitical analyst and a former senior economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), has warned that… Source

Peter Koenig – The People Say, “F*ck the WEF”

“Fuck You Klaws Swab!”  See this brief fictitious address to Klaus Schwab by an apparent official WEF invitee, captured by a 19-second video-clip that flashed around the world today, 17 January 2024, in warp speed. It is fake, a satire, produced by Artificial Intelligence (AI). “Remember the Covid farce? It is now admitted even by mainstream […]

Peter Koenig – The Diabolical Plan to Re–Engineer Humanity

    What better proof of “dancing with the devil” than true life examples.   “Hell is Empty, The Devils are All Here”, William Shakespeare, The Tempest, Act 1, Scene 2   The Gothard Base Tunnel    Watch this 6-min video clip of the satanic ritual at the Gotthard Base Tunnel Opening Ceremony, on 1 […]

William Koenig Says COVID-19 Is God’s Judgment on the US for Being ‘So Pro-LGBT’

ALL donations 3X-MATCHED by 12/31 to save our democracy! Every day, the reporters and researchers of Right Wing Watch expose the hateful words and deeds of right-wing leaders and the far-right players who fueled Trump’s rise to power and aim to keep him there. Our work is read daily and used by major media outlets, […]

Peter Koenig – Only Massive Civil Disobedience Can Save Us

Peter Koenig – Only Massive Civil Disobedience Can Save Us Henry Makow They’re not hiding it. The Freemason insignia is at the top left corner of this video. Our feckless ancestors gave all national credit cards to our worst enemies: the Masonic Jewish banking cartel. Now they plan to dispossess and enslave humanity. Money is […]

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