Posts Tagged ‘Korean Demilitarized Zone’

Women’s Peace Walk Across The Korean DMZ Impeded

Print Friendly Gloria Steinem (center) and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Mairead Maguire (left) walk with the other women peace activists in Pyongyang, North Korea today. (AP Photo/Kim Kwang Hyon) PYONGYANG, North Korea — International, Northern and Southern Korean women activists who plan to cross the Korean Demilitarized Zone said Wednesday they are determined to move forward with […]

South Korea Rules Stall DMZ Peace March

A peace march through the Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) is up in the air tonight, with questions about the South Korean government giving them permission on the site of the crossing. The marchers include Gloria Steinem and two Nobel laureates, and will be calling for a final end to the Korean War, which is still […]

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