Posts Tagged ‘shabaab’

Al Shabaab Suspected in Killing of Six Christians in Somalia

Mosque of Islamic Solidarity in Mogadishu, Somalia. (Hiram A. Ruiz, Creative Commons) NAIROBI, Kenya (Morning Star News) – Six Kenyan merchants killed by suspected militants from the Islamic extremist Al Shabaab on Friday (March 29) in the Somali border town of Dhobley were likely attacked for spreading Christianity, sources said. The six secret Christians had been […]

US offers $5m reward for info on deputy Al-Shabaab leader in Somalia

The State Department, on Thursday, offered a reward of up to $5 million for information on Abukar Ali Adan, the deputy leader of the Somalia-based militant group, Al-Shabaab, Anadolu Agency reports. “Up to $5 Million for Info on Abukar Ali Adan. Help us find this terrorist key leader. Help us stop this terrorist key leader,” the Rewards […]

Somalia airstrike kills top al-Shabaab leaders

Somalia announced late Saturday that its armed forces carried out an airstrike in the central province of Galgadud that targeted an al-Shabaab meeting house in Elbur, reports Anadolu Agency. The Defense Ministry said top leaders, including al-Shabaab’s finance and extortion chief, who was identified only as Sahal, were killed in the strike. The al-Qaeda-affiliated terror group […]

Al Shabaab Attack Kills 10 at Officials’ House in Somalia: Ministry

MOGADISHU—Ten people were killed in an attack in Somalia’s capital claimed by the al Qaeda-linked al Shabaab group, which said it was targeting military officials and militia fighters involved in an offensive against it. The Tuesday attack began with a car bomb blast followed by a gun fight that went on for hours at a […]

Somalia claims to kill over 100 Al-Shabaab terrorists in single operation

Backed by locals, elite Somali forces killed more than 100 members of the Al Qaeda-affiliated terror group Al-Shabaab, the country's Defence Ministry said on Friday, Anadolu News Agency reports. Ministry spokesman, Abdullahi Ali Anod told reporters that two units of the elite Danab, or lightning brigade, troops with the support of, local militia forces known […]

US airstrike kills 27 Al-Shabaab terrorists in Somalia

A US airstrike in central Somalia killed 27 Al-Shabaab terrorists, the American military said on Wednesday, Anadolu News Agency reports. The airstrike was conducted on 18 September “at the request of the Federal Government of Somalia … against Al-Shabaab terrorists who were attacking Somali National Army forces near Buulobarde,” the US African Command said in […]

US airstrike kills 27 Al-Shabaab terrorists in Somalia

A US airstrike in central Somalia killed 27 Al-Shabaab terrorists, the American military said on Wednesday, Anadolu News Agency reports. The airstrike was conducted on 18 September “at the request of the Federal Government of Somalia … against Al-Shabaab terrorists who were attacking Somali National Army forces near Buulobarde,” the US African Command said in […]

US airstrike kills 27 Al-Shabaab terrorists in Somalia

A US airstrike in central Somalia killed 27 Al-Shabaab terrorists, the American military said on Wednesday, Anadolu News Agency reports. The airstrike was conducted on 18 September “at the request of the Federal Government of Somalia … against Al-Shabaab terrorists who were attacking Somali National Army forces near Buulobarde,” the US African Command said in […]

US airstrike kills 27 Al-Shabaab terrorists in Somalia

A US airstrike in central Somalia killed 27 Al-Shabaab terrorists, the American military said on Wednesday, Anadolu News Agency reports. The airstrike was conducted on 18 September “at the request of the Federal Government of Somalia … against Al-Shabaab terrorists who were attacking Somali National Army forces near Buulobarde,” the US African Command said in […]

US airstrike kills 27 Al-Shabaab terrorists in Somalia

A US airstrike in central Somalia killed 27 Al-Shabaab terrorists, the American military said on Wednesday, Anadolu News Agency reports. The airstrike was conducted on 18 September “at the request of the Federal Government of Somalia … against Al-Shabaab terrorists who were attacking Somali National Army forces near Buulobarde,” the US African Command said in […]

Thirteen Killed in Bus Bombing by Suspected Al-Shabaab Terrorists

Incident Marks Ninth Terror Attack in Kenya Since the New Year 01/31/2022 Washington D.C. (International Christian Concern) – Thirteen passengers were killed and others were severely injured on January 31 in northeastern Kenya after their public service vehicle ran over an improvised explosive device. According to a survivor, the attackers, suspected to be al-Shabaab militants, fired […]

Al-Shabaab Attacks Kenyan Community for the Seventh Time this Month

Government Officials Among Those Injured in Attack 01/27/2022 Washington, D.C. (International Christian Concern) – On January 26, 2022, six gunmen suspected to be al-Shabaab terrorists ambushed a convoy of vehicles near Kenya’s Somali border, and began shooting. Six people were injured in the attack and three were able to escape due to security measures in place. According to […]

Al-Shabaab targets airport in Somalia’s Jowhar city

Somali-based terrorist group, Al-Shabaab, Thursday, targeted the Jowhar city airport with mortars, a local official confirmed and Anadolu News Agency reports. Jowhar is the provincial capital of Middle Shabelle located 90 kilometres (55 miles) north of the capital, Mogadishu. Speaking to Anadolu Agency over the phone, Abdi Ahmed, a local administrator in the region, confirmed […]

Ugandan army says it has killed 189 al Shabaab fighters in Somalia

Ugandan soldiers working as part of a peacekeeping force in Somalia have killed 189 al Qaeda-linked al Shabaab fighters in an attack on one of their camps, the Ugandan army said. Ugandan troops are part of the African Union peacekeeping mission in Somalia, whose aim is to support the central government and stop al Shabaab’s […]

Al-Shabaab Attacks Bus Traveling in Kenya, Possibly Looking for Christians

TARBAJ, Kenya (International Christian Concern) – International Christian Concern (ICC) has learned that on Tuesday, gunmen believed to be part of the Somali-based al-Shabaab terrorist group flagged down a passenger bus at Tarbaj, Wajir State. During the attack the gunmen separated men from women, interrogating them to identify non-local travelers. Reporting on the incident, the […]

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