The 4 Best New Passover Cookbooks

Passover Seder Plate showing (clockwise, beginning from top): maror (romaine lettuce), z’roa (roasted shankbone), charoset, maror (chrein), karpas (celery sticks), beitzah (roasted egg). Photo: wiki commons.

KC Jewish Chronicle – A recipe doesn’t have to be complicated to be delicious, nor exclusive to certain kitchens. Such is the mantra of Leah Schapira, co-founder of the popular culinary website,, and author of the new book, “Fresh Easy Kosher Cooking: Ordinary Ingredients, Extraordinary Meals” (Artscroll; November 2011). Inspiring everyone from traditional kosher cooks to everyday working women and moms, Schapira shows how to use simple, fresh ingredients to create time-sensitive, tasty meals for all to enjoy.

A busy wife and mother, Schapira extends her recipes to a wide audience of people who don’t have much time to cook. She includes useful tips, minimal ingredients and easy-to-follow steps. The book is organized into chapters with sections containing time-saving tips such as menus, freezer-friendly meals and an index of food pairings for weeknight recipes. Her seasonal menus encourage home cooks to take advantage of market fresh, simple ingredients for even easier recipe planning.

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