The Hepatitis B Vaccine Currently In Use By 97 Countries Killed 69 Infants During Testing Trials

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It was added to the UK vaccination schedule on 1st August 2017, with the sole purpose of introducing Hepatitis B into routine infant vaccinations. It is scheduled to be given at 8, 12 & 16 weeks of age and is to be administered alongside other recommended vaccines from the NHS Immunisation Schedule at age appropriate appointments.(ref 1)

Hepatitis B has a very low incidence rate in the UK (0.3 – 0.4%). It is spread via blood-to-blood contact through percutaneous exposure (e.g. sharing of needles and other equipment by people who inject drugs or through contaminated ‘needle stick’ injuries), sexual intercourse with an infected person and perinatal transmission from a mother to child (0.05 to 0.08%).

People Who Are Hypersensitive To Some Of The Ingredients Must Not Have This Vaccine 

30,000 Reported Adverse Reactions Including 271 Deaths

Vaccines Contaminated With Non Labelled Metals

Contaminants found in Infanrix Hexa – Antimony, Iron, Copper, Silicon, Magnesium, Titanium, Gold, Sulphur, Stainless steel, Tin, Chromium, Zinc, Nickel and Tungsten. All these plus Barium was found in Prevenar 13.

Further reading

‘Analysis of the data shows that at least 69 out of 72 deaths reported were likely to have been caused by the vaccine.’   GSK’s 69 Infanrix Deaths Are Not Explicable As Coincidence

Why The Author Was Inspired To Write This

Emma Sansom is a stay at home mom who lives with her husband 17 month old boy and two dogs in England, UK. 

She first became interested in natural health and immunity several years ago when she became ill after a family trauma. Emma was diagnosed with a suppressed thyroid, infertility and a whole range of other symptoms which became daily struggles. When discussing options with her GP, she was told she could do nothing naturally to regain my health. She didn’t accept this and with sheer determination, hit the books and joined support groups which lead her down the road to a natural recovery. she managed to heal herself without one prescription drug. She says, “When you experience the failures of modern medicine first hand, your left with no other options than to teach yourself about health and wellbeing. The power of self-healing is truly liberating!”

During pregnancy she decided to investigate vaccines before her son was born, not expecting to find anything outside the norm. Nineteen books and hundreds of hours of research later, Emma discovered a history of deception, agency cover-ups, whistle-blowers, bribery, suppression of information, ridicule, denial, thousands of parents around the globe, with the same stories, screaming for their voices to be heard and media silence. She believes that parents are deliberately withheld information on the risks and this must change. 

She is now part of a group that supports natural immunity, raising awareness for informed consent, and fundraises for vaccine damaged children & adults.

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