The Media’s Blackout Of The National Defense Authorization Act Is Shameful

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David Seaman
Business Insider
Thursday, December 1, 2011

The broadcast media’s ignorance and unwillingness to cover the National Defense Authorization Act, a radical piece of legislation which outrageously redefines the US homeland as a “battlefield” and makes US citizens subject to military apprehension and detainment for life without access to a trial or attorney, is unacceptable.

Guys, this is far more important than Penn State’s Disgusting Creep of the Decade, or even Conrad Murray’s sentencing.

Call it what you will: a military junta, a secret invalidation of Americans’ civil rights, a Congress gone mad. Whatever it is, it needs to be covered by the press, and quickly.

Anderson Cooper, Brian Williams, Rachel Maddow, Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity, Neil Cavuto and the other handful of household names that mainstream America relies on for news should be talking about this non-stop.

I emailed producers and on-air talent at the three major cable news networks yesterday: not one of them was willing to step up to the plate and report on this appalling legislation, which would give Americans roughly the same protections as citizens in China or Saudi Arabia.
Bloggers and the ACLU’s analysis have already made the work easy for you guys. Even an ADD segment producer can do the math:

– Pay special attention to Section 1031 of the bill.
– This bill violates the Posse Comitatus Act (18 U.S.C. § 1385), as it will allow federal military personnel to engage in domestic law enforcement. This is profoundly unconstitutional and scary.
– Also read Sen. Lindsey Graham’s chilling defense of the offending provision in this bill, calling to make the homeland a “battlefield.” Has anyone told these guys that Osama bin Laden and his deputies are dead? Those still alive are running from drone strikes on a daily basis. So who exactly are we fighting against? Are you protecting us from a handful of (almost entirely peaceful) college kids at the Occupy protests? If so, martial law and throwing out 200+ years of basic civil rights seems rather excessive.
– Finally, as the ACLU points out, you won’t have any trouble booking an expert talking head who will tell you how dangerous and counterproductive the National Defense Authorization Act is: “The Secretary of Defense, the Director of National Intelligence, the Director of the FBI and the head of the Justice Department’s National Security Division have all said that the indefinite detention provisions in the NDAA are harmful and counterproductive.” Book one of them on your program, and do it quickly. The Senate has already rejected an amendment which would have banned the indefinite detention provisions from the bill.

Please, do your jobs. This is the kind of story that wins journalism awards and makes careers. It’s the kind of story that makes viewers trust you.
UPDATE: To the mainstream media’s credit, Keith Olbermann of Current TV has now mentioned the NDAA’s harmful provision, and I’ve been told that Dylan Ratigan of MSNBC is drawing attention to it as well. A good start, but not nearly enough.

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18 Responses to “The Media’s Blackout Of The National Defense Authorization Act Is Shameful”

  1. What did you expect, the truth?

    The government owns sycophants such as Brian Williams and Bill O’Reilly. Their job is to divert our attention away from the issues that matter. The sad thing is there is still an overwhelming majority of Americans who base their opinions (not facts) on what these traitors say. This is the worst swipe yet at the Constitution, and the people charged with reporting the news prefer to ramble on about Herman Cain’s sexual exploits.

    I blame the education system and government controlled media for the disinfo that has dumbed down America.

  2. the MSM = “good little nazis”




  4. Hi Everybody………….One of the American revolutionaries and founding fathers of the United States said ……..Give me liberty, or give me DEATH … This sentiment is taught all throughout the American school systems when teaching about the American Revolution. It was a famous theme of the AMERICAN REVOLUTION…, and bears striking similarity to the observed sentiment of many in Palestine who are willing to DIE , rather than live under Israeli occupation….IF the founding Father’s, came back now gave the SAME statement..s..this media we call MSM…wouldn’t have covered them., they would have been clearly ignored by this corrupt Main stream media……..GOD Bless America…
    Best Wishes

  5. Hey isn’t Ashton breaking up with Demi. And then there’s those Kardastians.

    As long as the people eat the crap — the menu won’t change.

  6. It is undeniable that the media in USA is controlled by Zionist Jews. This has to mean that a blackout of this ground breaking story has enormous advantage to Zionist and sycophantic Jews and others serving NWO agenda. Both Levin (Jewish) and McCain are in reality traitors to USA citizens. The govenment is digging in its heels against its own USA citizens. Shameful doesn’t seem to express adequately how reprehensible all this is. At the same time there are numerous Jewish folks who are as appalled as the rest of us as what is going on.

    streetcourt Reply:
    December 1st, 2011 at 12:28 pm

    The Ashkenazi Jew ( Zionist Jews) is not semetic, desendants of Abraham, but truly the Khazarians of Khazar and are truly enemies of the real Yahudite of the tribe of Yahudah, son of Ya’aqob.

    wiggins Reply:
    December 1st, 2011 at 2:17 pm

    Converts because their King told them to.

    wiggins Reply:
    December 1st, 2011 at 2:19 pm

    Oh, by the way, I thought the Judahists banned inter marrying and associating with outsiders……only when it suited them apparently.

  7. The Media is owned by The Enemy.

    Sheeple will keep eating what they’re fed til it’s too late.

    I have no hope for this country.

    Whizerd67 Reply:
    December 1st, 2011 at 12:20 pm

    I’ll agree that there’s no hope for this country THE WAY IT’S GOING NOW.
    But if have no hope that the country can be turned around and made to be livable again, you need to rethink, or sit and wait to die.. because NOONE will have any hope for you.
    Not bashing, just saying.
    The rest of your comment, about the MSM being owned by the enemy, and the fact that the sheeple will keep eating it up until it’s too late, is spot-on.
    Blessed Be to all

  8. They’ll just put on an extra episode of dancing with the stars and call it even. Nobody really cares about all the little details really.

  9. this is going to get fun real soon you just watch.

    Whizerd67 Reply:
    December 1st, 2011 at 12:21 pm

    I wouldn’t call it fun. But there will definitely be an overwhelming sense of accomplishment…as it should be.
    Blessed Be to all

  10. MSM not covering this is somewhat expected at this point. And I agree with most commenters that it is an act of treason, for the most part.
    The thing that gets me even MORE upset, is the fact that NONE of the senators or politicians that are against this have spoken about MSM not covering this.
    THAT is matter how much they say they are against it.
    THAT also makes this bill more sinister than what the the bill itself proposes.
    Blessed Be to all

  11. Having More Than 7 Days Of Food Makes You A Suspected Terrorist:


    Off to Gitmo you go ! (if you are lucky to not just disappear)

  12. they will be home for xmas

  13. The general consensus with my family and some friends is they dont care. The attitude is it wont affect me. They do not think it is serious enough to be concerned.

    I just do not want to be out there by myself knowing what is going on and nobody to help in the fight. The media will make us out to be terrorist. So the military can roll out martial law over the land.

    I have been reading the Bible more and more and when I feel troubled and pick up the Bible and ask why? The words tell me exactly what is happening now, its like reading the playbook for the day. If there is a God then why does he let this continue, but I have believed that evil has taken hold of the masses and lied to cover up lies. MSM is evil and the presstitutes have sold out to the devil…

    Tho, I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, i will fear no evil…That is what I am promoting…Good Luck my friends…

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