Tibet protester who set himself on fire dies

Beijing has blamed the Tibetan Buddhist spiritual leader the Dalai Lama, who
has lived in exile in India for decades, for inciting the self-immolations
and has called the protesters’ actions a form of terrorism.

(AP Photo/Manish Swarup)

“This is his last attempt to force the Chinese central government to
allow his return to Tibet,” Li Xiaojun, an official with the Chinese
Embassy in New Delhi, wrote on Wednesday in the Hindustan Times newspaper.

China’s leader in Tibet, Padma Choling, said the Dalai Lama and his followers
were trying to hang onto privileges they enjoyed when Tibet was a feudal
society and most of its people were basically serfs with no individual
rights. China on Wednesday marked what it calls Serfs Emancipation Day – the
day in 1958 when government troops took control of Tibet, and the Dalai Lama
fled into exile.

“No matter what tricks the Dalai and his clique use, the strong will by
Tibetan people to oppose separation and safeguard the country’s unity will
not change,” Choling said, according to a transcript posted on a
government-run news site.

President Hu Jintao was expected to arrive on Wednesday afternoon in New Delhi
for a summit with India, Russia, Brazil and South Africa.

Indian police and soldiers have orders to restrict the movement of the city’s
Tibetan population while Hu is in town, police spokesman Rajan Bhagat said.
Police have surrounded the city’s Tibetan neighbourhoods, erecting metal
barricades and refusing to allow young people to leave unless they have
medical or court appointments, in which case they’re being escorted by

Hundreds of Tibetan activists have been rounded up, including poet Tenzin
Tsundue on Tuesday night. The prominent activist from the Himalayan region
who in the past has staged high-profile protests during Chinese visits had
just finished speaking to a meeting of the Tibetan Woman’s Association when
he was taken into custody under laws that allow “preventative detention”.

He “has a long history of protesting at such events,” Bhagat said.

Activists condemned the crackdown.

“This action is unlawful and a complete surrender to the Chinese pressure
and the surrender of our own national pride,” Indian intellectual Rajiv
Vora said in a statement.

Many activists had managed to evade the police cordons and were trying to
stage protests across the city, said Tenzin Choekyi of the Tibetan Youth
Congress. At least a dozen had been taken into custody on Wednesday morning
as they tried to reach a United Nations office where they planned to

The group said a grand funeral “deserving of a martyr” is planned
for Yeshi in the Tibetan exiled community’s headquarters of Dharmsala, in
the northern India.

Source: AP

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