Today’s e-Reads: Frenzy, Skepticism Ahead of Facebook IPO; LightSquared’s Bankrupt

Amid the frenzy to buy a piece of Facebook as it prepares to go public, some seasoned investors are still questioning whether the social networking service can live up to the expectations, according to the Wall Street Journal. 

Despite its reliance on ad revenues, a new poll finds a majority of Facebook users never click on the ads while using the social networking service, USA Today reports.

LightSquared filed for bankruptcy after the company’s top backer Philip Falcone and the management team refused investors’ calls to step aside, Bloomberg reports.

Rebekah Brooks, a former top editor for News Corp., is expected to be charged in connection to the phone hacking scandal, The New York Times reports.

A day after its CEO was ousted, Yahoo’s new leaders say the company needs to focus on providing premium online content, the Mercury News reports.

From Netflix recommendations to targeting political ads to predicting the future, algorithms are infiltrating everyday life, NPR reports.

The popular Chinese search engine Baidu is set to offer its own smart phone that runs its own operating system, the Wall Street Journal reports.

Copper oxide nanoparticles damage plant DNA, Inside Science News service reports.

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