Why Milk Processors Want to Spy on Your Breakfast Twitter Chatter

You might think breakfast is an odd time to be spied on. But that’s actually just when representatives of milk processors around the nation are tuning into your social media chatter.

From behind a row of computer monitors in a Chicago office, social media detectives track milk-related breakfast posts from 8 a.m. to noon every weekday. They keep tabs on sentiment, engage milk drinkers, broadcast testimonials from celebrities like Maggie Gyllenhaal (see photo), and offer recipes and health tips. Their purpose? To humanize and promote the national “Got Milk?” campaign.

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The installation is called a social media “listening and engagement center,” and it’s the creation of the public relations firm Weber Shandwick.

“It has three main components — it’s a listening center, a content hub and way to build our social media community,” says Weber Shandwick senior vice president Melanie Strah. “We realized there were millions and millions of conversations happening about breakfast every morning. It’s a bonding time for families.”

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The breakfast-time focus is part of a milk processors’ campaign to re-emphasize milk’s ties to day’s first meal. Strah says the social team finds tweets mentioning milk about once every 5 seconds during peak breakfast time. They respond to tweets through the @MilkMustache Twitter handle, and also monitor conversations on Facebook, Pinterest and other networks. They’ve arranged milk deliveries for influential tweeters who run out or can’t find a fresh carton, and frequently banter about the beverage’s many virtues with followers.

It’s a cool idea, but also part of a growing trend as social media permeates more and more aspects of life. A “social media command center” at this year’s Super Bowl drew considerable attention. And Weber Shandwick has similar operations functioning or in the works for additional clients including Dell and Clemson University as well.

Weber Shandwick powers the listening and engagement center using Salesforce’s Radian6 social intelligence products. David Alston, Radian6’s chief marketing officer, says he wouldn’t be surprised to see such operations continue to become increasingly mainstream.

“It’s a great example of learning with a community and engaging with a community, coupled with content marketing,” Alston told Mashable.

Most of the content marketing side of the Got Milk? campaign lives on the website MilkMustache.com. But articles, recipes and tips there also take a different approach than the typical content marketing campaign. While the classic branded microsite might hope to take 20 minutes or so of someone’s time and make a positive impression, Weber Shandwick’s chief creative officer Josh Rose says this campaign takes a different approach.

“Everything here is designed to be shared,” Rose told Mashable. “The concept that behind what we put on there is to engage people and get them to share. It’s sparking conversation and getting a lot of people excited.”

Do you think the Got Milk? listening and engagement center is a smart brand campaign or not? Let us know in the comments.

This story originally published on Mashable here.

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