Tokyo Soil Would Be Considered “Radioactive Waste” In the United States

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Washington’s Blog
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Tokyo Slammed with Radiation

We noted in August that some parts of Tokyo have more radiation than existed in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zones. And see this and this.

There are indications that radiation levels are increasing in Tokyo.

Nuclear engineer Arnie Gundersen took 5 random soil samples in Tokyo recently, and found that all 5were so radioactive that they would be considered radioactive waste in the United States, which would have to be specially disposed of at a facility in Texas:

Indeed, shortly after the earthquake, U.S. government officials notes widespread contamination throughout northern Japan, including Tokyo, and said:

Entire region would be required to be posted as radiological area.

No wonder the potential evacuation of Tokyo has been quietly discussed by Japanese officials ever since the earthquake hit.

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16 Responses to “Tokyo Soil Would Be Considered “Radioactive Waste” In the United States”

  1. Nice link to a mainstream media report Alex Jones. Well done, but why do you recycle other peoples news and why do you think recycling makes you a journalist? AJ, Your conclusions are always the weakest link to your website. Please just give airtime to others and stop pretending you understand all and can predict all (in an attempt to sell and profit from hard times). You are a radio jock with limited ability and no maturity. So do yourself a favor a be a humble radio jock.
    Nice link to a mainstream media report Alex Jones. Well done, but why do you recycle other peoples news and why do you think recycling makes you a journalist? AJ, Your conclusions are always the weakest link to your website. Please just give airtime to others and stop pretending you understand all and can predict all (in an attempt to sell and profit from hard times). You are a radio jock with limited ability and no maturity. So do yourself a favor a be a humble radio jock.
    Nice link to a mainstream media report Alex Jones. Well done, but why do you recycle other peoples news and why do you think recycling makes you a journalist? AJ, Your conclusions are always the weakest link to your website. Please just give airtime to others and stop pretending you understand all and can predict all (in an attempt to sell and profit from hard times). You are a radio jock with limited ability and no maturity. So do yourself a favor a be a humble radio jock.
    Nice link to a mainstream media report Alex Jones. Well done, but why do you recycle other peoples news and why do you think recycling makes you a journalist? AJ, Your conclusions are always the weakest link to your website. Please just give airtime to others and stop pretending you understand all and can predict all (in an attempt to sell and profit from hard times). You are a radio jock with limited ability and no maturity. So do yourself a favor a be a humble radio jock.
    Nice link to a mainstream media report Alex Jones. Well done, but why do you recycle other peoples news and why do you think recycling makes you a journalist? AJ, Your conclusions are always the weakest link to your website. Please just give airtime to others and stop pretending you understand all and can predict all (in an attempt to sell and profit from hard times). You are a radio jock with limited ability and no maturity. So do yourself a favor a be a humble radio jock.
    Nice link to a mainstream media report Alex Jones. Well done, but why do you recycle other peoples news and why do you think recycling makes you a journalist? AJ, Your conclusions are always the weakest link to your website. Please just give airtime to others and stop pretending you understand all and can predict all (in an attempt to sell and profit from hard times). You are a radio jock with limited ability and no maturity. So do yourself a favor a be a humble radio jock.
    Nice link to a mainstream media report Alex Jones. Well done, but why do you recycle other peoples news and why do you think recycling makes you a journalist? AJ, Your conclusions are always the weakest link to your website. Please just give airtime to others and stop pretending you understand all and can predict all (in an attempt to sell and profit from hard times). You are a radio jock with limited ability and no maturity. So do yourself a favor a be a humble radio jock.

    Glen Reply:
    March 27th, 2012 at 4:43 am

    Yet you go and PROVE YOU are a COMPLETE DOUCHEBAG.

    A Worthless MORON Child.

    ALEA Reply:
    March 27th, 2012 at 6:31 am

    Glen, it seems you have come around. But it’s enough to admit Alex Jones is a fraud. Calling him a douchgab and a worthless moron child is not needed.

    Are you repeating what mummy use to tell you, “useless moron child”. Psychologically it is interesting that you express yourself in that way.

    American Dystopia Reply:
    March 27th, 2012 at 8:44 am

    Don’t feed the trolls

    ozinfowar Reply:
    March 27th, 2012 at 5:55 am

    Since when has “Fairewinds Energy Education” Vimeo channel considered mainstream media????

    Its a video made by someone who is definitely not mainstream media and embedded in a mainstream media site from what I can tell.

    This site never claims to only show its own content and neither does any other media site if you haven’t realized. It always has and always will mostly be a gathering of articles and videos from all sorts of sources along with some editorial content so I dont actually see your point.

    Repeating the same rubbish 7 times doesn’t make your point any more valid only shows you are just clever enough to have finally mastered copy and paste like a true spammer that you are.

    ALEA Reply:
    March 27th, 2012 at 6:33 am

    ozinfowar, statistics don’t lie. Go over the archives and look at Alex Jones content. 70% mainstream media links on this site and then Prison Planet claims not to be mainstream. Only in America..a sucker born every second.

    saber Reply:
    March 27th, 2012 at 5:57 am

    What ALEA meant to say…

    “Nice link to a mainstream media report Alex Jones. Well done, taking the time to find truthful articles and sharing them proves you are a dedicated journalist. AJ, Your conclusions are always SPOT ON. Please continue to use your airtime so I can continue pretending I understand all (in my attempt to profit from hard times, as directed by Media Matters). I am a moronic piece of crap with limited ability and no maturity. So do yourself and please let me continue to be a moronic piece of crap with limited ability and no maturity.

    ALEA Reply:
    March 27th, 2012 at 6:38 am

    saber, is that how you get through life?? i.e. I cant hear you..I cant hear you…I am right and you are wrong.

    Nobody on this website has made a single good answer to anything I’ve written, its all the same type of replies i.e. I cant hear you..I cant hear you…I am right and you are wrong.

    My only message is America is responsible for Americas mess, dont blame anyone else apart from yourselves. When you unfairly blame others you become a fraud like Alex Jones.

    And that responsible statement is enough to make you all cry and get upset. Go figure…

    raxzorx Reply:
    March 27th, 2012 at 7:31 am

    That’s what I heard too, Saber.
    ALEA posts comments here for the SOLE reason of stirring up trouble and inciting others.
    How common.

    ponykeg Reply:
    March 27th, 2012 at 7:40 am

    Alea, send this message to your other citizen brigade brown shirt friends. The atrocities committed under the color of law in Nazi Germany were legal until the Nazi regime fell. After the fall of the Nazis they were tried, convicted, imprisoned, executed, and if they escaped they were hunted down like dogs until their dying days. I know that what you are doing is not exactly criminal though still childish and annoying, but as you continue down your career path as citizen brigade goon, just remember that your bosses are twisted psychopaths and that this reign of terror will end, just look at history, you will see countless examples of twisted power hungry freaks turning on each other and toppling their whole house of cards, and leaving their faithful mindless cronies to face the music for what they considered doing their duties, regardless of the abuses they had committed against humanity.

    So Alea, just consider this a friendly reminder to be careful with your life decisions, and make the right choices, in the long run perhaps flipping burgers would be a better choice, at least it’s honorable honest work that will not end up with you living in a spider whole the rest of your life.

  2. “Black Pigs” is that not cops ???

    sauque madique Reply:
    March 27th, 2012 at 5:15 am

    no i bet it is slang for welfare porch apes in the state controlled slums of Benton Harbor and Detroit and any other bankrupt city taken over by the new park system

  3. Sorry, it jumped

  4. As long as the leadership washes their hands in clean money, they could care less about nuclear waste……because if you can’t see it, it ain’t there. Don’t worry, Fukushima is coming here, you’ll see. With each passing year, like the tide that comes in and goes out perpetually, you’ll be having it for dinner; no one will escape it.

  5. Just another example of why it is ALWAYS a good idea to be able to see through Government lies yourselves.

    BUY YOUR OWN Geiger counter

    Soeks 01M on Ebay is a beauty and CHEAP.

  6. All nuke plants should be shut down. There are a lot of other ways of making steam, and the waste from them will not still be able to kill you in 10000 years. Making bombs seems to be their real reaason for existance.
    When the powers that be took down the world trade centers they showed they had some technology they weren’t telling us about. Whatever they used to turn those building into powder in about 10 seconds proves it. What else are they holding out on us? Free energy technology. I suspect yes.
    The criminals running our respective countries shouldn’t be in power. They have proven to not have the moral character. They are very sick people and shouldn’t be running things. The world can’t stand much more of their abuse.

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