Top Obama fundraiser accused of scam

New York-based Abake Assongba has given thousands of dollars to Democratic candidates in recent years, the Federal Election Commission records reveal.

She has contributed more than USD 50,000 to Obama’s re-election campaign this year.

According to the Washington Post, however, she has been accused by a court in Florida of defrauding a Swiss businessman of USD 657,000.

In the ongoing case, Klaus-Werner Pusch accused Assongba in 2009 of defrauding him by impersonating a bank official and then using the money to buy a multimillion-dollar house.

Assongba has also been ordered by a court to pay more than USD 10,000 in back rent for her former New York apartment, according to court records.

Assongba and her husband Anthony J.W. DeRosa, who run Abake’s Foundation charity, have denied most of the allegations.

Obama’s campaign, coupled with the Democratic National Committee, brought in more than USD 200 million in 2011.


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