Train hits car carrying mum and child

A MOTHER and her young child are in hospital after the car they were travelling in was hit by a freight train in NSW’s central west.

Police say the crash happened near Gulgong about 11am (AEDT) when a Holden Commodore crossed a railway line on Spring Creek Road.

The train, made up of 55 carriages and three locomotives and loaded with copper ore, took 250 metres to stop.

The 23-year-old female driver, from the Gulgong area, was flown to Westmead Hospital suffering multiple, but not life-threatening, injuries.

Her three-year-old son was flown to The Children’s Hospital, Westmead, as a precaution.

A 25-year-old man from Nowra, travelling in the front passenger seat, was treated at the scene for shock.

The train driver was not injured and returned a negative breath test.

Police believe that because the train had only just pulled out from Gulgong Station and was travelling at low speed, a more serious crash was averted.

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