TSA Caught In More Blatant Lies To Cover Its Own Back

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Claims non-prohibited items were never confiscated despite multiple accounts proving they were

Steve Watson
March 28, 2012

TSA Caught In More Blatant Lies To Cover Its Own Back image

The TSA has once again been caught blatantly lying to the public in an effort to cover the ridiculous actions of its own employees.

Last week stories once again began to circulate about the TSA agents on power trips confiscating erroneous items such as multi tools and nail clippers. Worse still, the passengers they took the items from were fully armed soldiers returning from Afghanistan.

On its official blog the TSA once again denied that any of the stories were true, and implied that they had all been made up to make the agency look bad.

The TSA blog also linked to a previous post “debunking” the stories and claiming that it was an “urban legend” that nail clippers had ever been confiscated from anybody because they are not prohibited items.

With evidence presented in just a few comments on the blog however, it becomes clear that the TSA is once again telling bald faced lies.

One commenter points to several different mainstream news articles in which accounts of TSA agents confiscating nail clippers are mentioned:


“Ever wonder what happened to those nail clippers confiscated before boarding a plane? Monica Novotny found that seized items may be up for for sale online.”


“In Harrisburg, Pa., there’s a warehouse chock-full of the knives, scissors, tools and other items confiscated at checkpoints at three major East Coast airports since 9/11….Fifteen pounds of used nail clippers “would usually go for $20 or $20,” says Mary Beth Enggren, who runs the salvage program for Pennsylvania.”


“Some fliers, though, view it differently. April Miller, a Chicago-based regional manager for a publishing company, says TSA screeners at the city’s Midway Airport took a $25 eyelash curler and a nail clipper without giving her an option. “They just took the items and said I could not board with them,” she says.”

And so on, and so on. Try a simple Google search for ‘TSA Nail Clipper’

STOP LYING, BOB. Or at least make the lies a little harder to prove.

“It would be refreshing if instead of insisting that nail clippers were never banned there was an acknowledgement that there was confusion on this point by the screeners in the past. Better yet an apology.” another commenter states.

So I guess once again it’s a case of who do you believe. Is it those in multiple accounts cited by mainstream and alternative media reports or is it the government agency that has been caught consistently lying to cover its own back?


Steve Watson is the London based writer and editor for Alex Jones’ Infowars.net, and Prisonplanet.com. He has a Masters Degree in International Relations from the School of Politics at The University of Nottingham in England.

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15 Responses to “TSA Caught In More Blatant Lies To Cover Its Own Back”

  1. Welcome to communist America. Stealing personal belongings and selling them is an industry in many countries where they call each other Comrades.

    To all clowns. Playing radiio word games and tunes will not help to wake up the sheople or save America.

    March 28th, 2012 at 9:16 am


    DaRkInLiGhT Reply:
    March 28th, 2012 at 11:53 am

    ..Aren’t we already in it?

    March 28th, 2012 at 9:47 am

    Whatever. Have fun.

  2. The Stupid TSA needs their Asses kicked! STOP FLYING!

    fafa_supolo Reply:
    March 28th, 2012 at 2:22 pm

    Its OFFICIAL! TSA credentials for employment: MUST BE A DEGENERATE.
    de·gen·er·atedi-ˈjen-rət, -ˈje-nə-, dē-
    1 a : having declined or become less specialized (as in nature, character, structure, or function) from an ancestral or former state
    b : having sunk to a condition below that which is normal to a type; especially : having sunk to a lower and usually corrupt and vicious state
    c : degraded 2
    2 : being mathematically simpler (as by having a factor or constant equal to zero) than the typical case
    3 : characterized by atoms stripped of their electrons and by very great density ; also : consisting of degenerate matter

    4 : having two or more states or subdivisions
    5 : having more than one codon representing an amino acid; also : being such a codon
    synonyms see vicious
    de·gen·er·ate·ly adverb
    de·gen·er·ate·ness noun

  3. But if you buy a bottle of rum in the Caribbean from a Duty Free and you bring it into the US it will be confiscated. It won’t make it into the destroy bin but it will be taken away for private TSA pervert use only. They like hand lotions too.

    hellangone Reply:
    March 28th, 2012 at 2:17 pm

    All the more reason to mail stuff purchased abroad to yourself.

  4. Welcome to a perverted Constitution !

  5. Scumbags.

  6. Between TSA and crack smocking Jetblue Captains, I’m never flying again unless it’s absolutely necessary! Terrorism is the one of the last things that scare me at an airport! Our own government, underpaid/overworked flight crews with aging planes and inexperienced pilots make me nervous.

  7. I quit flying two years ago. If there was a boycott maybe our Totalitarian Govt would drop this terroriem farce designed to make us slaves in our own homes.

  8. “On its official blog the TSA once again denied that any of the stories were true, and implied that they had all been made up to make the agency look bad..”

    lmao…they were looking bad ever since George Orwell sold his first printing of “1984″

  9. no different than that scum holder and the dept of injustice.

  10. Who is so hard up that they need to buy USED nail clippers on-line? Yuck.

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